Animal totems which is yours?

Cat is something I’ve always felt connected to and even identified with, to the point of sometimes having entire conversations with my partner by meowing! :smile_cat: I think I even found my cat breed now :cat2:

Bengal Cat Totem
Folks with the Bengal Cat totem can be a little wild in nature. They have a secret longing for adventure, even though they portray a very mundane day to day existence. People with this Cat totem will also struggle with their communication skills. These struggles are a direct result of their battle with the Wildcat within. Folks with this power animal should also study the Leopard.

And indeed the traits of a Leopard are something I value and aspire to, but I’m not really there yet… :smile_cat:

People with the Leopard totem, like the Grizzly Bear totem, are patient and persistent in attaining their goals. Thus they tend to plan for all contingencies and can change direction if they need to. They naturally respect others in their environment as well as have a great deal of self-respect. Folks with this spirit animal totem are self-confident, wise, and courageous in the face of adversity. They have a great deal of personal power. Also, they understand the use of intention. These people have a gift for aligning the energy around them into a constant and stable balance.

The meaning and messages part sounded very reassuring though, even empowering! :muscle::smirk_cat:

The Bengal Cat meaning is a reminder that things are not always what they seem, and that what you see is not what you get. In other words, you understand things correctly. However, there is no reason to fear what you are seeing. Furthermore, gentleness and affection are found even in the most ferocious of beings. The Bengal is a cross between the domestic feline and the Asian Leopard.

Half leopard isn’t bad at all! Mreow! :smile_cat:


Deborah Blake, a pagan author I read, said that hers changed. It used to be a flock of sheep but once she learned what she needed it changed. So I’d say yes.


That is really interesting.


Wendy, I like owls :owl: they represent wisdom and their heads turn all the way around so they can always see in back of themselves! Very interesting
Thanks for sharing!


The Travel Witch,
That was my next question about spirit guides too I’m glad you mentioned it! I was just trying to get connected to my spirit guide!Thank you for the totem animal dictionary! Looks like you can have an animal totem and if you see him in your dreams you can get messages that way too!


You are very welcome @Jeannie1! :grin:

Great question, @Berta! I would say it depends on the person. I think everyone learns and grows as they age, and people may take on different traits or aspects of their spirit animal as they develop :bug::butterfly: .

But other people experience massive changes during their life- some sudden, some gradual. Some for the better, and some for the worse. I imagine that for people who go through very drastic changes, it is possible for them to connect with a different animal.

On that note, I’m putting the question out there out of curiosity- does anyone feel that they have multiple spirit animals? :thinking:

I relate to a few different animals, but I think in my case it’s more a matter of indecision than actually having multiple spirit animals :laughing::bear::elephant::wolf:


In our case… We’re a plural system (“multiple personalities”) and there are 4 of us in the same body (yes, we have elemental correspondences!), two of us identify with a cat, one of us is kinda undecided between a snake, a moth and a certain fictional character, and one might be a deer but there’s some snake too… so multiple spirits, multiple spirit animals? :smile:

Life is just beautifully strange, isn’t it? :revolving_hearts:


That makes sense.
I think many of us have had interesting if not out right challenging journeys through our life. I sometimes feel challenged by my spirit animal. She is more like a guide who shows me something I can aspire to.She is my soul’s Jiminy Cricket who whispers ‘calm’ into the turbulence. If I ever achieve all of her lessons then perhaps there will be another ‘teacher’ waiting to show me something else about myself as I relate with others. I believe ALL animals have lessons to teach us if we observe and listen. I believe our spirit animal is a guide into that world of nature we as human’s tend to set ourselves apart from. It is another path to show our connection to all living things.


Yes! An owl is one of my 3 animals.i love them. I’ve always connected with owls.


Thank you for all these wonderful things to discover! I’m glad I’m learning more and more! I did not no the owl was a bad omen to see in a dream! Besides I never see owls :owl: Once I saw a white owl in a cage at the state fair!

Once in my life I felt connected to the wolf but that was awhile ago!
I have been seeing a lot of crows and I don’t think there Ravens but there hard to tell the difference!
I have felt connected to the Lion too! So many animals. Now that I know about animal totems I’ll be more keen to paying attention!
Thanks so much Marisa for your support! Have fun finding your animal totem and connecting to them! It’s good to do research with all these great websites!
Thanks for all the research :face_with_monocle:
Blessed be


You are totally welcome!


Yes! There are actually different types of animal guides. Spirit Animal, Totem Animal, Power Animal.

  • Spirit Animal: Attached to each lesson. Whatever lesson you are going through at the time. They come in and out of your life at different times.

  • Totem Animal: Stay with you your whole life

  • Power Animal: Getting you through your current situation(s)


Thanks @Missa that is awesome information… and it puts things in perspective.


Yeah of course! I had no idea about the different kinds until about a month ago


I love the picture of the deer and it really looks like you are in a good area where you have a lot of wildlife around you, that is amazing!
I love animals, you definitely are quite the photographer!
I would love to just take pictures of animals! One time I saw a skunk and I followed it! It was outdide in the middle of the day and there nocturnal! I’m one of those people that will take pictures of squirrels too! My aunti had squirrels :chipmunk: and you could feed them from your hand! I also really enjoyed biology because I got to learn a lot about birds and different animals!
Thanks for all your good questions! I felt like I’ve been more than one animal! Like you I love nature only I live in Sacramento you have to be more intentional! I need to go on more outdoor activities to be one with Mother Earth! Like you said animals are good teachers!
Thanks Berta for that beautiful picture!


So it my spirit animal was a deer… Here is a way to discover your TOTEM animal


I got ant. Figures. I do like sugar more than is healthy for me. LOL.


Your totem animal is an ant. Hey, come on, it is cooler than it sounds! You tend to be group minded, and you have a lot of determination. You are patient and hardworking. You would totally sacrifice your own goals for the sake of others, you don’t have a greedy bone in your body, and you have your friends backs.


OH MY GOODNESS @Amethyst I got ANT too! And I like sugar too! Peas in a pod!



Hee! It seems like a few of us are ants. We’re stronger that most people would think we are. I only wish I didn’t like sugar and carbs as much, as I’m diabetic and it’s bad for me. LOL. I’ll get there yet though!