Beginner Book Idea!

You’re in the right place- the Recommendations category is a great place to seek recommendations! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The first list that comes to mind is this Best Books for Wiccans List- especially, the section Best Books for Beginner Wiccans


The books featured there are some of the “classics” in magick that are best geared towards beginners. They are referenced quite a lot, so they are great foundational reading materials! :books:

For a vast collection of magickal books of all genres, I recommend checking out the Book Reviews from Book Club- there are a lot of books that have been shared, and folks write a bit about what they thought of each. Do a search for “beginner” in the discussion and you’re sure to find quite a few books on all kinds of themes! :gem::herb::blush:

I hope you can find some wonderful books @Janae_Rochele- good luck and blessed reading! :books::heart: