Calling the Quarters&Elements

Hello :wave:
My name is Monika and I’m fairly new to the community. Right now I’m learning about circle casting in order to raise energy for meditation and spell work. I’m a little confused on calling the quarters and elements into the circle. Is there any way to do both at the same time or do I need to call the quarters first and then start calling the elements? Still in the broom closet and I don’t have any teachers or guidance so I’m really glad to start my journey here at spells 8. Thanks so much :grin:


Calling the quarters is a practice that originated in the Golden Dawn system of Magic. Now a standard practice for Wiccans and other Pagans too.

Also known as the watchtowers or guardians, they are tutelary spirits of each of the four cardinal points or “quarters” (north, east, south, and west).

It’s common to do it at the start of a ritual, after casting the circle , as a way of setting up the sacred or protected space.

As you call each element, face each direction.

  1. The elements are usually called starting in the East, place of Air and new beginnings.
  2. You then turn deosil (clockwise) to the South to call Fire
  3. Turn to the West to call Water
  4. And finally to the North to call Earth.

There are many ways to call the quarters, and you can get as dramatic or poetic as you wish.

The standard or traditional way of calling the quarters is this:

All hail the Watchtower of the East,
The element of Air
I do summon and call you forth,
To guard and protect this circle
Come and join me, now.

All hail the Watchtower of the South,
The element of Fire
I do summon and call you forth,
To guard and protect this circle
Come and join me, now.

All hail the Watchtower of the West,
The element of Water
I do summon and call you forth,
To guard and protect this circle
Come and join me, now.

All hail the Watchtower of the North,
The element of Earth
I do summon and call you forth,
To guard and protect this circle
Come and join me, now.

At the end of your ritual, you go back and thank each spirit and release them from your circle, for example:

"I thank you for attending my rite; and here you depart to your fair and lovely realms, I bid thee Hail and Farewell."



Merry meet!

I’m Kat and am currently located in North Carolina. I found the practice over 20 years ago but lost my way for a while. I came home a couple of years ago and found this amazing group of people!! I am an eclectic Green witch with an interest in tarot, runes, herbalism, and moon magic. My deities are Artemis (she’s been with me since the beginning) and Hekate, a recent guide in my life.

I’m not much help with your question about calling quarters and elements as I generally don’t do that in my practice unless it’s a dedication or consecration ritual but luckily you’ve got some wonderful answers already from @Shadeweaver and I’m certain you will get more from others in the group.

We’re glad to have you here. :purple_heart: Make yourself comfortable, explore, and feel free to ask questions!

:herb: :bow_and_arrow: :hekate_wheel: :crescent_moon:


Any advice is great advice, I thank you so much :blush:


Thank you so much, i had no idea that starting this journey would have a lot of information but I can definitely add this to my BOS as a starting point :grin:


Hello and welcome I’m Tracy from England. A chaos witch and devotee of Loki. My magic is spontaneous and a little haphazard :rofl:, but @Shadeweaver got you covered. Make yourself at home Lovely :green_heart:


@monika I’m afraid I’m not much help with your question. All i do is a space cleansing.
But I did want to welcome you :hugs: This is a great group of witches, very knowledgeable and supportive! We’re all here to guide you :sparkles: :heart: I’m looking forward to getting to know you :blush: :purple_heart::people_hugging:


Merry meet :hugs: and welcome home :infinite_roots: @monika

The links @Shadeweaver shared above are perfect. The only suggestion I have for you is to write your own. I would use the sample above and rewrite it that fit my own needs. Let us know how it goes. We are here for you, Monika, welcome to the family :people_hugging:

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


Do I sence a future student for me? Let me know if you need any help I can give any info I know and learned.



Thank you so much!! Yes I do need some guidance. I’m still watching the Wicca initiation videos and then I’ll start with spell casting 101.


Thank you Marsha, I’m so excited for this new journey.


Hello @monika!

I see you’ve got some great resources and advice from the wonderful Shadeweaver, so just popping in to share my support!

I would recommend following along with a guide (like the Chant by Silverbear in the post up above) and see how that works for you. If some things don’t work or don’t feel quite right, no worries! It’s all part of the learning process- I would urge you to experiment and adapt spells/chants/rituals to suit the unique needs of you and your practice. With time, you’ll find what works best and feels most right to you! :mage: :sparkles:

Anyways, just wanted to swing in and say hello. Please make yourself at home here in the forum!

Blessed be :heart:


Hi, @monika! Seems like you’ve gotten some great advice. I just wanted to pop on here and welcome you to the forum! I hope you’re finding all you need.