Can someone please help me find my patron

A very warm welcome to you, @cato! :heart:

This is a wonderful question- you aren’t alone in your quest to connect with a diety. Others have given you some great advice and guidance, so I will just add my voice and agree that there is no rush at all- take your time and explore the many dieties out there :grin:

There are no rules saying you have to find one diety and worship only them forever- the great thing about the craft is the freedom it offers you :dove: I would recommend exploring the various pantheons and continuing your research :open_book:

You may consider invoking different deities for different spells (doing the Daily Devotional like Krissie suggested) and might want to look through the previous Deity Challenge offering additional tips for finding a deity to work with.

Good luck and enjoy the search! Blessed be :sparkles: