I’m currently learning my next stage of the craft in what’s called Silence and Patience, (I shouldn’t really be here, but I had to share just this one thing )
Candle magic is so simple yet really powerful to connect you to a specific god, spirit or demon, so here’s a ritual that can enhance that connection if you need to contact someone for a specific purpose or if you’re having difficulty reaching a certain spirit. It’s a long spell that’s done over 9 days.
Select your candle. Preferably this should be done in person so you can feel the candle, but if that’s not possible and you must do this online, take your time. Meditate on the picture and the seller, then buy your candle. It should be a large candle. Colour in this instance, is important so research the colour that your spirit is most likely to respond to.
Bury the candle in the earth for 9 days. Think where you want to bury it, under a tree, by a rose bush etc. Again, if you can’t get outside, bury it in a plant plot and place it in a sacred space in your home.
During those 9 days, perform mini Uti-Seta each night, focusing on what herbs, plants and any runes or sigils you want to annoint the candle with, that this spirit would like. Make any notes. Here’s a link to how to do Uti-Seta.
UTI-SETA Meditation with Your Gods
Retrieve your candle after 9 days. Carve the chosen runes and sigils into your candle. Prepare your plants by crushing them into a mix, and then rub them over the candle, saying a prayer to the spirit you want to connect with.
Find somewhere sacred to do the spell. Preferably after sunset. Please do not use a circle. This is important. You are asking to meet up with this spirit, putting a circle up is like turning up to a person’s house for dinner with an entourage of bodyguards, it breaks trust. So for this ritual, no circle.
Now light your candle, under your breath speak the runes, speak the sounds of sigils if they have sounds, say the name of the spirit and invite them to join you. Have a notepad and pen with you. Now sit in their presence and note down any messages or images. Sit as long as you like. When done, say thankyou. Blow out the candle. You can re use this candle as many times for this connection, but not for anything else.
Enjoy your time, and I hope this helps to connect with your spirit, demon, deity and helps overcome any difficulties you may have had with making connections.