Can't remember, no time to look

My 4 year old just got onto my Atar area again and dumped salt EVERYWHERE. Raw crystals everywhere. Which ones should I be most concerned about and what do I do? I know I used to know this but that isn’t helping my crystals right now


Wow Nixi sorry to hear this has happened to you. Kids got to love them. I would say I be concerned about your raw crystals other then the salt, unless you think your child will mess in it. As far as what to do, I am not able to help on that end, sorry.


Thank you. Child is brushed off and fine. I brushed the crystals of as best I could and set them aside. I can’t remember which can’t be in salt and the one with the most nooks and crannies absorbs water so I’m thinking I should be worried about that one. I have no idea what to do and I don’t really have the brain power today to do much research. Can I scream now? :rofl:


Glad child is brushed off and fine. I hear you on the research it is a lot. I hope someone will be able to help you soon. I am just starting to work with crystals so not sure on the ones that can’t be near salt. Your always welcome to scream, lol, it may actually help. Enjoy the rest of your evening.


Thank you :heart: You too :unicorn: :sparkles:


I don’t know that I’d be super worried about the salt unless you are soaking your cyrstals in salty water for sitting them in piles of salt for a long period of time. I’d brush them off and maybe use an old toothbrush to sweep out the nooks and crannies. You could even pick up a can of air for electronics and blow them off. Maybe also let your dear one pick out a few special rocks that she can have and touch and create an area just for her? Maybe even a salt box to trace and play in? it sounds like a sensory thing and that she sees her mama with these important things and just wanted to be a part of it. Kids certainly keep us on our toes!


Thank you. I think I’ve got it brushed off of all but one, I guess I was worried about the residue I don’t know. Canned air is a great idea, my husband probably has some.
I’ve tried giving him his own, first in a little bag that I cannot find anywhere. Then maybe 3 or 4 in treasure chest looking box and that lasted a day. I recently gave him some including a tiny piece of AAA Smoky quartz that he’s been asking for. I explained being very careful and told him that if he didn’t keep them together I was taking them all back. He keeps changing what special place to keep them in but has kept them together but now he keeps trading them in when I’m not looking :rofl:
I should have thought of salt in a box or tray. I will be doing that.
He’s the last of 7 and I thought I had seen it all but this one is like nothing I’ve ever seen. I keep reminding myself that his intense personality is probably how he’s here at all. He’s a surviving twin, the one expected not to make it during a complicated pregnancy and a scary and complicated birth


The world needs people like your son! It’s a beast in the moment, I know it… but his personality is going to take him far… and you’ll be along for the ride! Strap in, mama!


I also remind myself that soon I will miss having a little one under my feet :sob:
And yes this child could change the world, as long as I can keep his father and 3 of his older siblings from turning him into a gamer :fearful:


Salt can actually be used to cleanse crystals & then you brush, dust, wipe, or in some cases blow it off. But there are ones that shouldn’t be in them:

Image Source

The raw crystals should maybe cleansed in some water with a gentle soap & very soft brush & rinsed. However, if the name of the crystal ends in -ite… they shouldn’t be in water or salt water as they will start dissolve or otherwise change especially if submerged for any length of time. :hugs:


@Siofra_Strega It was an -ite. I brushed it off and hoped for the best


This makes me curious, I knew about the water thing, but if the salt is dry, does it still damage these crystals somehow?


Salt can be abrasive & is naturally corrosive. So softer gems/crystals can be damaged from it. If you cleanse crystals with salt table salt without iodine is best you just have to place them in like a salt bed (small bowl or plate with salt in it) & lightly press them into it for an hour up to overnight. Not covered in the salt.

For cleansing the softer crystals with salt, you can put a natural fiber cloth over the salt & do the same thing :smiling_face:

The reason for the table salt is because sea salt & others like Himalayan salt have a higher mineral content & don’t work as easy for drawing out energies.

BUT… Mother of Pearl & Coral being from the ocean, will work better with sea salt.

Whichever it is, the salt should be changed every couple of weeks. If they are well used or worn, then cleansing them with this method is good after each use or every few days.


That was helpful, thank you love :smiling_face:

The natural corrosivity makes sense, especially when there’s always some moisture in the air that dissolves it and makes the ion exchange happen. Depends a lot on where you live and what season it is too! I discovered this in a fun way, I got my girlfriend some salted licorice discs, pressed together from salmiakki powder. Here they stay nice and dry, but even in northern Germany they turn into sticky mush pretty quickly. And it’s hardly a tropical climate or anything! :sweat_smile:

The abrasion is a good thing to keep in mind too, salt crystals are harder than you might think! I had a Himalayan salt soap bar, and having used that I once got asked if I took my shower with a cat… :laughing: :smile_cat:


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