Could I do a spell when someone's sleeping in the room?

Greetings @jada1!

@Autumn7 shared some great advice- I completely agree! :+1: Adding to her wise words, I would suggest that spellwork is more dependent on you, the caster than the presence or lack of other people nearby.

If you can cast calmly and remain focused on your spellwork, it should work just like it would if you were casting on your own. That being said- if someone’s presence nearby (asleep or otherwise) makes you feel stressed, worried, and/or distracted, that will almost certainly carry through into your casting.

Something that might help is casting in the privacy and serenity of your Inner Temple- a great resource to draw on when you are traveling, away from your tools, or cannot set up spellwork in a physical space. Feel free to give it a try! :blush:

Good luck and blessed be :sparkles: