Creative Ways to Use Old Herbs and Spices šŸŒæ

I love when you more ā€œexperiencedā€ ones give us ā€œnewerā€ ones all this great help :black_heart:. Thank you!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Youā€™re very welcome, Victoria! :heart: We all begin our paths somewhere and we all are helped and inspired by those who walked the path before we did. Knowledge, inspiration, and encouragement are passed lovingly from one to another over the years and the ages- a living tradition kept alive in each one of us. Itā€™s neat to think about! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Wishing you all the best with your studies- much love and many blessings!


@BryWisteria oh my goodness gorgeous soaps! I love them alot. Very gorgeous :heart_eyes:

P.s. I was trying to figure out where to put this. But here. So I know how you love honey too. I have recently started buying from this honey shop on Etsy. Very good honey and prices. I got the creamed vanilla bean and the naturally granulated honey so yummy. Thought u may like to try it.

I love how all their honey contains all the nutrients and such still


Awww thanks, Devenne! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Oh, I love it! You werenā€™t kidding about the prices- their honey is very reasonable (and so is their beeswax!). I just recently stocked up on beeswax for candle making, but we go through honey really quickly around here. Iā€™ll have to browse through their stock (and see how much shipping would be too).

Thanks for the recommendation, Devenne! :honey_pot: :yum: :sparkles:


Of course!! Right? So cheap for honey shipping is super fast. The people are really nice too. Hopefully shipping wonā€™t be too much for u. They are located in Ohio


Oh, neat! I ordered a bunch of seeds (and soap and honey- couldnā€™t stop myself!) from a store called Seed Geeks last month and I think they are in Ohio too! Not sure about the shipping though, since that order qualified for free shipping. Hopefully it wouldnā€™t be too much! :pray:

Thank you! Back in the day I felt like shipping within the US wasnā€™t expensive at all, but now itā€™s gone up so much over the last years. And international shipping- oof. I once sent a small box (about the size of a shoe box) to a friend in Germany that cost $50 to mail in regular shipping :face_with_spiral_eyes: Itā€™s really nuts these days!

I guess itā€™s one more push to support local vendors and businesses when we can (the options arenā€™t always there or accessible :sweat_smile:)


Dang yea. I wanted to send starborn a few things sheā€™s like shipping is too much. But I want to say it wasnā€™t bad. Granted I donā€™t know where u are. They also have payment options. But I get it. I hate when shipping is too much :people_hugging:


Ugh will somebody please tell me where I keep seeing something that would be perfect to add here? Anybody knows as much as I do :laughing: I canā€™t even remember exactly what it is :woman_facepalming:t2:


Oh they have soap and honey too? I have purchased seeds getting them before and am about to get my seeds ordered for the year, might have to see what else they have!


@Devenne So true! Iā€™m in the States right now, so even if itā€™s pricey it shouldnā€™t be nearly as tough as international shipping, which is one plus! :grin: :+1:

@Nixi Iā€™m sure it will find its way back to you eventually, whatever it is! When it does, feel free to add it in here :blush:

@Artemisia Yeah they do, and theyā€™re pretty good! Iā€™d take a picture, but Iā€™ve already used the soap and eaten the honey :joy: I havenā€™t planted the seeds yet, though:

I havenā€™t made a schedule of when to start them yet, but Iā€™m looking forward to getting them in some potting soil! :grinning: :seedling:


I was planning some of these herbs as well.


I really need to figure out how to keep anything green alive here. I moved in with my now husband almost 6 years ago and nothing lives long, inside or out


Iā€™m really not good at growing plants that need a lot of attention. I forget to water them. Iā€™d love a little indoor herb garden. I donā€™t really know how to take care of them or harvest them. I have very little natural light in my house but I do have a grow light.


Iā€™m the same, so I use self-watering pots. It helps some. :sweat_smile:

I would also love a little indoor herb garden. But I canā€™t handle it right now. Iā€™m struggling just to keep some bamboo and grass alive. :sob:


@Devenne Nice! :grinning: :green_heart: :herb:

@Nixi It can definitely be a game of trial and error finding plants that are happy in a particular space and environment. Have you tried succulents/cacti before? They tend to be pretty hardy (and more forgiving when we forget to water them :laughing:):cactus: :potted_plant:

@Sivonnah An indoor herb garden is a dream! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I have kind of hit or miss luck with herbs indoors- they definitely prefer to be outside, at least around here. Indoor plants seem to be much more needy than their outside siblings :sweat_smile:

Whereā€™s that funny video about indoor vs. outdoor plants? This one:

:joy: :potted_plant: :seedling:

Ohhhh! Is that like the little tool (like a bubble on a stick) added into the soil, or something else? :star_struck: Sounds very handy!


@BryWisteria Iā€™ve tried everything, nothing survives here. I went to a horticultural high school and plants are kinda my thing. I used to take plants other people had given up on and were going to throw away and save them but not here


Omg too funny :grin: :joy: :rofl:


It sounds like plants love you and you love them too- with all things considered, it makes me think thereā€™s something about that space that is preventing them from thriving.

Maybe thereā€™s something like a community garden nearby worth considering? Not sure if that would work for you (and I know the trip may not be possible right now), but perhaps even just visiting could be a breath of fresh air and green space :seedling: :green_heart:

Iā€™m glad you got a chuckle from it too! Itā€™s a favorite video :joy: :+1:


I think Iā€™ll get a few herbs from the farmers market instead of starting from seeds. Do a little research about easiest to grow and whatnot


Thatā€™s a great way to go- it certainly saves time, and then you have plants that are all ready to be used and enjoyed :herb: :blush:

Good luck and happy gardening, Sivonnah! :green_heart: