Crystal Zodiac Makeup 💄

So, I was looking at some site (I honestly forgot) it’s two ladies who have a huge company, they sell crystals, courses, etc. Aahh, I can’t remember. I’ll add it when I do remember. But anyway I came across this crystal zodiac eye shadow. I had to try it out!!! And I love it.

Look at this!!!

The names are hematite, smoky quartz, citrine, amber, tiger’s eye, carnelian, jade, amethyst, lapis lazuli, blue chalcedony, rose quartz and rhodonite.

Isn’t that the nearest thing ever???


I bought it from Energy Muse…


I love Energy Muse! Great site! I love the eyeshadow too! I wish I wore more makeup. I have gotten better about wearing a little bit. My daughter will use it every day if I let her leave the house with it on her face. Damn YouTube tutorials