Daily Tarot Contest for Thursday Spread

Hello everyone,

Today is Thurs day and this is our Thursday tarot contest spread sheet:

I am requesting everyone, specially tarot lovers, to join the contest. Please share your tarot spread with us before 12 o’clock at night by tonight at your concerned time zone.

Good Luck @anneshakargupta

Reference: thursday spread, from my weekdays spreads. One... -


Good morning all!

Here is my spread for Thursday. I was called to use my Golden Threads deck again, although I didn’t have a specific guide today. Excluding The High Priestess, all my cards were wands today! I must be in my thoughts, lol.

1. Something to Commit To: 2 of Wands - Gaining influence and proving myself at work which in turn will provide me with good support and advice as well as open new partnerships and projects.

2. Something to Improve My Material Well-Being: Rev. 10 of Wands - As I’ve mentioned before, all my guides have been pushing me to simplify my life and lead a less materialistic lifestyle. With that in mind, I took this to mean that I need to lighten up on myself. An I creating too much self-pressure? I need to remember that I need to take care of myself so that I can continue to take care of others.

3. Something to Heal & Cherish: The High Priestess / 3 of Wands - Healing myself and deepening my connection with my higher self is important at this moment. They reminded me that by taking care of myself first, I’ll see my projects and relationships thrive as well.

4. Advice for a Lucky Day: Rev. 9 of Wands - I’m enduring strong opposition today and I need to focus on just getting through my tasks. This makes sense as my fatigue is hitting me hard today and I can feel my energy quickly draining.

Overall, I’m happy with this reading for myself today. My depression/fatigue is pretty high today so focusing on self care and on completing tasks just to get through the day makes sense. I also pulled Oracle this morning and received the message that I am coming up against a lot of resistance (internally or externally) and that I should spend time in nature. I might spend some time working at my picnic table to recharge of it’s not already too hot.


Hi all, really enjoyed reading and seeing everyone’s spreads yesterday. The perspectives and advice are wonderful. Especially after getting such a “tread lightly” reading, it was reassuring to share. As a (result) follow-up, I tried to inject a little more patience and quiet into my day and it was a nice one.
Thursdays cards are decidedly more upbeat

  1. I got control from this card, I’m dealing with a lot of inner chaos (who hadn’t this year!) as well as household maintenance issues, I do need to commit to taking back more control in my life.
  2. Working with my partner on better budgeting. Again, have lost some control this year and working on this will definitely help material well being.
  3. This seemed a bit more vague for me, but have a positive feeling. I do need to heal myself emotionally from some ongoing issues. Going back to control, by starting to take that back, perhaps that goes hand in hand with healing.
  4. The wording on that question is interesting. Am I asking what I need to be doing to create more luck in my day? I know I need to be a bit more gentle with friends and family, and also focus more on enjoying moments rather than always thinking about what will happen next. Never bad advice.

Thanks @Amaris_Bane and @Bee12 for sharing your spread. I wish you all to see for Friday Tarot Spread. Good luck.



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