Deities & Sigils

There are lots of sigils and symbols out there! It depends on what deity you’re talking about.

For example: Symbols for the Wiccan Goddess and God:


Sigil of Hecate (or Hecate’s Wheel)


Likewise, many other Goddesses have their own symbols, seals and sigils, such as Brigid, Bastet, Sól, Isis and more.

You can find them all here: The Goddess’ Temple: Myths & Symbols of the Divine Feminine in History. There is a set for Male gods symbols too.

Other Pagan Symbols:

On Google images, you can enter the name of the deity + sigil and see what comes up.

You can also create your own sigil. For example, research the deity and see what symbols or realms are linked to them. Then draw something and go from there. There are a few suggestions in this topic: Sigils, What to do?