Does anyone know this author's work?

Wow! Awesome investigative work! Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Another point goes to my intuition, yay! I just knew something wasnt right about her. Reading and learning have always been my escape so its upsetting when i come across inaccurate information and espescially people who look to gain financially from it.


lol thank you - it’s one thing I’m good at that I enjoy doing. Finding those missing puzzle pieces that fit all the information together? Yes, please!

I’m glad I was able to help. The thing that concerns me about this is that if the author photo is AI-generated then it’s likely the content (some or all of it, I’m not sure) is AI-generated as well. As @Artemisia mentioned above, AI-generated content centered around herbs and things like this can be very sketchy and very dangerous. Readers are looking for an accurate source of information, and while AI is pretty good at scraping the internet for information, what it gathers isn’t always accurate.

I don’t have any other books to recommend on the same subject, but I hope you find something that’s worthwhile and helpful.


I was able to find the info that i need we d on the i ternet, but n ave decided to go with intuition for the most part. I definately dont have a green thumb so i wont be growing my own herbs any time soon lol but there is some correspondences i was curious about. Got my Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences in recently too? Love that book!!!


I’m glad you found the information you needed! :heart: I’ve heard good things about the Complete Book of Correspondences by Llewellyn, so that’s good!


I don’t know about Goldwyn, but I would definitely steer clear of Mari Silva, whom several people believe is an AI. “She” has written many books in many different areas in a very short time. “She” also only cites URLs in her bibliographies as well, which is one of the things I look at now when considering a book.

I would also recommend reading critical reviews on a book you are considering as they can sometimes be a better indicator as to whether it would be a good book for you than the good reviews can (hope that made sense, lol). Good luck to you :blush:


This is actually a really great piece of advice when considering a book because you can see the “negative” parts of the book and judge whether those are issues for you as a reader.


Popping into the thread to say Merry meet @j112 and welcome!! :wave:t3:


@tracyS thats what those authors were. They’ve helped me tremendously


Thats an excellent book. I forgot to put that down. But pretty much anything from Llewellyn u are good. Super trusted resources there. As for the green thumb, honey i have a black thumb, i kill plastic plants no joke. I either buy my herbs or when my hubs does my greenhouse, (I’ll have my banefuls all set) but at last count i hate 169 herbs. Over 30 tea and oil blends, for humans, domestic pets, and horses.