I have always been interested in the stone ages, mostly because, at its base, it represents what it is to be human without the trappings of modern ideas about religion, technology, and culture. Hence, my favorite books of all time are by Jean Auel: “At the dawn of history, one woman’s epic adventure reveals the story of mankind. These are the six epic novels in the Earth’s Children® Series: The Land of Painted Caves, The Shelters of Stone, The Plains of Passage, The Mammoth Hunters, The Valley of the Horses, The Clan of The Cave Bear.” These books are the best-researched novels about life during the Old Stone Age in Europe. The religion of the age is The Earth Mother and representations in cave art, herbal healing, animal husbandry, and family life are results of this belief.
I am currently reading a non-fiction book: The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles by Ronald Hutton. As I read discussions about possible meanings of ancient cave art, I am reminded of the coherent picture of the age painted by Jean Auel. Also, relationships between Neanderthals and Cro-Magnon humans are explored. Now that we know living Eurasians do care small amounts of Neanderthal DNA, her novels are even more impressive.
On reason, I am interested in paganism and witchcraft is because a Mother Goddess resonates with me.
Do you have any novels that have shaped your interests in paganism and/or witchcraft?
My Mom bought me The Mists of Avalon and I read that thing in like, two weeks. It was so very magical to me. I haven’t read that in a while, I should put that on my reading list again.
I loved that book as well! I have a list of novels I would like to reread. The Mists of Avalon is one such novel!
Its a good gateway novel for paganism.
I have always been intrigued with the 16 and 1700s. I love the old houses in MA and I wish I could afford one of them! They are beautiful. I loved the way women dressed and the men. I also love the 1800s and early 1900s. I don’t have many books about them, except the one that follows my 22nd great grandfather’s line up to the 1940s or 50s. He was the founder of the Mennonite church and would bring immigrants from Germany to PA then turn around and go back for more. His name was Rev. Hans Herr and I am a direct ancestor of his!
Krissie, you must be so proud of your ancestors! I went to a Mennonite College in Fresno, CA during the summers in the early 1990"s. The people there were awesome. They were very kind. Hang on to your family history, your children will be interested when they get older. I’m glad I can say I know someone related to your ancestors!
My family tree on Ancestry has over 8,000 people on it the last time I looked. I have hit a couple of brick walls on my father’s side because it seems like every woman from Cork, Cork County, Ireland was named Catherine. My great grandparents were from Ireland and had very common names. As did my great parents from Italy. They were from Arce, Italy and had a very common name on the male and female sides. I love looking at the old pictures and records that come up.
Krissie, I enjoy Ancestry as well! I have been working on it with some of my cousins for many years now. I have 35,000 entries! Many of my ancestors appear in several places on my tree. That is to be expected if you think about it.
@wendy4 that is amazing! Wow! I have one line that goes back to King John Lackland… I’m related to him through a direct line, but he is the King/Prince from Robin Hood that was mean and had the Sheriff of Nottingham. His name was because he didn’t own any land of his own. I haven’t done any work on it in a little bit, but I need to get back to it. Sometimes I take breaks so that new things can be discovered without me going in circles.
I always treasured fantasy stories! About far away adventures, creative lands and creatures, and of course- magic . Looking back, I think a lot of the books I read not only inspired me to begin my travels around the world but also helped to shape me into the witch I am today!
Aside from fantasy and fiction books, I also loved books about plants and herbalism . There were a few I really enjoyed, but the one I remember most is A Cozy Book of Herbal Teas: Recipes, Remedies, and Folk Wisdom by Mindy Toomay
I think it’s so exciting that you both have such powerful ties to your ancestors and heritage, @wendy4 and @Susurrus! Looking through your family history is like reading a story made just for you- think of all of the adventures and tales of each person along the long line of your family tree
It’s amazing to think about!
Most heroic novels speak to me. If my life is to be given for any position, I chose those stances that consider the goodness of mankind. I care about the least of humanity. I care about our environment. And I am what is called a libtard. My facebook page is political . I will risk my life to save humanity, ALL humanity. Differences do not worry me. I am worried about people who only think of their interests. I will die on this sword. I do not accept any Facebook requests that do not recognize our fight for the GOOD. Please do not try to friend me if you do not see the dangers of our age. I love you all, but I am a warrior for the survival of mankind and life on Earth. I am a political activist. Do not friend me unless you are willing to die on the sword of justice. My Facebook page is different from my posts here. Notice the difference, respect my position. I will not discuss Witchcraft when I have to influence all of humanity. They cannot see what others see. They do not see many things. Consider this when you ask for friends on Facebook pages. I love mankind, I am fighting for us all. It is not about religion, it is about survival. I am old. I have been around the block. Respect this and do not send me a friend request without considering my values.
I love when there are newspaper stories or other written accounts of what was going on at the times. I had some ancestors involved with the Daughters of the Revolution and others that worked directly with Abraham Lincoln in the White House. Now I feel like I need to get back to it soon. I’m curious if I can get past some brick walls. Lol
You have a lot of passion and the desire for beneficial change, @wendy4! I wrote a bit more on this in the Facebook Exchange Post and your post here. For someone so invested in helping the good of all, I think it natural that heroic novels call to you!
That’s amazing! And it looks like something shared in both of our personal histories, as my cousins and I are all registered as Daughter of the American Revolution! I was too young to understand it much at the time, but my father thought it was important to continue the family history by enrolling all of the girls.
You have a lot of excitement in your history- I hope you can find more books, connections, and other resources to help you further learn about their fascinating stories!
Happy reading!
I read them years ago, a wonderfully written series.