February 16, 2022 Snow Full Moon

The Full Moon in Leo

On February 16th , the full moon in Leo provides us with a divine opportunity to recognize, own, and celebrate our individuality. Tapping into child-like wonder, and exploring our unique talents will allow us to claim our authentic expressions.

This requires courage, as each of us possesses the basic human desire to be seen and heard, but don’t always allow ourselves to receive this. The Leo full moon is a beautiful invitation to heal, and release blockages around being truly, and vulnerably seen with an open heart.

As the Sun transits through the constellation of Aquarius, matters around authenticity, individuality, uniqueness, and social movements are highlighted, amongst many other things.

Its opposite sign, Leo, is connected to things like creativity, personal expression, child-like play, and performance. The full moon makes an opposition to the sun, inviting us to create a balance between these two archetypes. As the sun in Aquarius illuminates the Leo moon, shadows are exposed.

Authored by Riss Cottrill @allmyancestors (Tamed Wild Email List)

Read the Full Moon Musing here


This is such an interesting read. A friend of mine on Twitter who is an amazing astrologist posted something about this full moon. Let me grab the tweet :bird:


I’m not sure what I’m doing for the Full Moon, if anything. It’s been so long since I’ve done a ritual and I just usually don’t have the mental energy for that. Maybe I’ll do some divination and some spellwork, but I’m not sure.


I’m not sure what I am doing past making my Moon Water that I use for offerings & I did use the rest of this bottle for the flowers that I put on my altar. I think I am going to put my crystal runes, keychains, & ones in my pouch out there definitely. I may put out the ones from my altar that I use when I meditate & look to for happy mental images. I actually have no idea, I never have the energy at night or in the evening for ritual or spellwork anymore. I’m a guessing game for when naptime is going to happen after 5 PM lately. :rofl:


I watched a Ceremony live this morning presented by Yasmin Boland for today’s Full Snow Moon. Here is the link for the recording: Full Moon in Leo
The card she drew from the Moonology Oracle Cards is below:

The video was recorded or at least shown during the full moon at about 10:00 am MST (my time). Yasmin has a beautiful voice and sung mantras, there was also a fire. I thought it was lovely, a perfect ceremony for the day! :heart:


@Susurrus & @MeganB
Thank you for the links ladies, I enjoyed reading the blog post on Tamed Wild and for finding AquariusMage on Twitter!


Not really sure quite yet on what I will do for the Snow Full Moon tonight, but will come up with something; though Witchy Tips on Instagram shows ways to celebrate it.

image source Instagram/ witchytips