Consecrating Myself to Odin for the Rune
This afternoon, it is a cloudy but dry day. A perfect day to attune my energy with the rune and Odin, to ask his guidance in making a soul connection to his rune.
Each rune is a conduit of energy from the gods, so by activating it you will be able to feel it’s energy and use it intuitively.
Using the elements over the rune you seal it to yourself, with earth, salt, water mixed with your spit and blood and finally Loki’s fire. Your voice, bells, drums or clapping call in the ancestors, and finally call on Odin himself to connect you to him. Feel him under your skin, your heartbeat increase, your body tingle as he connects you to his runes. Take your offering and pour it into the earth.
If you are ready to connect your spirit with The AllFather you will need:
The Blank Rune.
A cup of water mixed with your blood/spit.
A pile of soil/dirt.
A Candle and Matches.
A liquid offering for Odin (I gave alcohol )
Go outside, a cloudy day is best but preferably not windy or it will blow out your candle.
Call in your ancestors, clap, sing, drum, ring your bell, call them in to join you.
Now pickup your rune and some of the soil, and rub it into the rune, feeling the energy of the earth join with the rune.
Now pour your salt over your pile of soil and mix with your hands.
Holding your rune, rub in some of the salt/ soil mix, feeling the shift in energy as the salt now works into the rune.
Take your water,
blood/spit mix and pour that over the soil/salt mix, as you do offer a prayer to Odin.
Pickup your rune again and rub some of this soil mix, all over the rune, feel Odin start to connect with you.
Now we need to bring in Loki. Light your candle, and pass the rune over the flame, asking Loki to ignite his energy into the rune (don’t burn yourself, Loki’s naughty with fire
Now place the rune on the ground. Blow out your candle (if still lit, the wind kept blowing mine out
) and rub the soil/salt/water/
blood/spit mix into the candle, all over it. Re-light your candle, placing the rune on the candle base, all elements now activating together. Blow out the candle again.
Pick up your rune, and hold it to your heart. Close your eyes, be still, feel it connecting you to Odin. When you feel ready and at peace, pour your offering over the earth to Odin.
Taking your candle, place it onto your altar, and light it each day until it’s finished, lighting your incense from the candle flame. Once it’s burnt down, bury it. You are now consecrated ready to live each rune.
You can now wash your rune in water, ready to use.