Full moon/harvest moon

What do you guys have Planned for this Full Moon? I’m doing some Candle Magic, Burn some Bay Leaves, Writing a Manifestation letter, and Meditate. I was also gifted this Book today. So I’m excired…


Candle Magic sounds like a great idea!! I will be outdoors! I was invited to a musical event in a park. I’ll definitely be able to see the Moon from there!! Hopefully there’ll be a fire pit to burn negative thoughts :full_moon:

May your harvest be bountiful, Kiewandra! :ear_of_rice: If you need inspiration for tonight, Brianna posted some rituals earlier this week!

Happy Full Moon! :pray:


I stayed inside for my Harvest Moon ritual, I know that sounds silly but I haven’t decided on an outdoor place to work magic yet. I mostly just followed the ritual laid out on the start page with a few alterations. At the end of my ritual I placed my note containing what I wanted from this moon on the top of my Ouija board. This is usually what I do with all my notes instead of burning them or something. I did the chanting for a few minutes with all my altar candles lit but I was sitting in front of my computer screen. I also drank my chalice of water which is just a glass for me. I know all in all I was really light on ritual, but as I grow as a witch I know I will do more in the future. This marks my ritual for Harvest Moon complete. Blessed Be to everyone!


The full moon is beautiful tonight. It’s bittersweet for me tonight - more than any other - but I am so very thankful :pray: to be alive and able to enjoy it.

I did some :candle: magic, evocation, meditation, made moon water, showed my youngest more about pendulums, and read tarot for any that wanted it. It’s been a good night so far.


I’m indoor, as well, for the same reason. I have not found a place for my outdoor magic, and living in an apartment makes it a little tricky. I did do a Moon Boon and some candle magic, as well as calling on my guardian angel. I also did some devotionals, meditating, and prayer. I guess you can say I spent extended time at my altar tonight.


Sounds like everyone had a wonderful full moon- whether you celebrated indoors or outside! We had another rainy day here, so I was cozy inside at home and celebrated by making a warm soup brew! :bowl_with_spoon::yum:

I know it’s still night time in parts of the world- hope anyone still enjoying the full moon is having a lovely time! :full_moon: Blessed be :two_hearts:


I read the same book! Its great! I love Lisa Chamberlain. Enjoy the read


Wow. That looks like a great book!

I stayed in, this isn’t a good area to go outside at night alone. I did my potion-making for my challenge and burned some candles down. It was nice and relaxing. Thanks for asking! :hugs: Hope you had a great night!


Yes Brenda I also live in an apartment so I do most of my spell work indoors. This Full Moon had been good to me. I was able to get a lot of things accomplished. I made Moon Water for the first time. I’m excited for the Blue Moon.


@MelaninWitch I made moon water for the first time, too! To be honest, I’ve noticed that my instincts have been very much aligned with the moon cycles and the suggested intentions for them.