Full Moon in Aquarius X2

Who is excited about this full moon? I am! It will be the first of two full moons in Aquarius back-to-back. This is rare! Change is in the air with this dual full moon portal. The Aquarius energy is about freedom and is revolutionary, it likes to do things differently. The energy of Aquarius is amplified and creates a window for us to fully embody the wisdom of this fixed air sign. We may feel the desire to release something or perhaps start hearing intuition whispers about some changes that need to be made. If these changes seem unclear don’t worry the next full moon may help you see things. Under the light of this full moon ask yourself, how can I bring more lightness and ease into my life? What do I need to let go of in order to achieve this? See what inspiration follows and pay attention to whatever wounds or heaviness you may be carrying. This full moon is quite powerful so be sure you are clearing and smudging to ensure the energy is released in a safe and healthy way. What we set in place now boosts into turbo power in one month’s time. Do whatever you feel guided to nurture your soul.
Happy Full Moon!
-love and blessings


Super excited for this full moon! :raising_hand_woman::two_hearts:

Thanks for these astrology insights, @moonshadow- that’s interesting that there will be two back-to-back full moons in Aquarius! :aquarius: The properties of the Full Buck Moon (connector to the Higher self, enhanced spirituality) combine really well with airy and intellectual Aquarius. This sounds like a full moon with incredible magickal potential :full_moon:

Wishing you a very blessed full moon! :sparkles:


This is rare and I am also excited!! I love the Buck Moon a little bit more than the others.


I am hoping to spend some time in my neglected garden with some new incense and do some much needed meditating.

Thanks for the insight and tips, @moonshadow! Happy Buck Moon! :full_moon: