Getting Married!

hello my hello witches i know i havent been active lately but with so much going planning my wedding i have not had the time. so i get married this weekend what good time for a new moon and waxing moon cause i will be starting my new beginning ! any spell or rituals anyone sugguest for tonight or leading up to my wedding to bless my marriage. thankyou !


I would suggest any type of communication or longevity spells. But I immediately thought of the Pagan wedding blessing that spells8 has on their site. I had read over and saved it when I was planning to do a renewal of vows handfasting ceremony for my husband and I before we decided to separate instead I’m sure this would be a wonderful thing to incorporate into any workings related to your wedding

Editing to add that @MeganB came up with a beautiful oil to highlight your beautiful qualities that you have trouble seeing which might be worth making and dabbing on a smidge on your wedding day.

To See Myself Spell Oil :rose: Beauty Magick


Congratulations! Or Best wishes, I’m never sure which is right for a wedding. LOL. Not sure about spells but it sounds like @phoenix_dawn has got you there. I hope you have a happy marriage!


Besides what Phoenix said, maybe get some inspiration from these posts:


Congrads and welcome back! I am a baby witch and am not sure so i just check the information listed here on Spells8… Sorry i couldn’t have been more help i just really wanted to say congrads :blush:


@THCLEMONADE congrats on the up coming wedding. It’s a very exciting time. I wish you all the best. I would try some self love spells to prepare and a sleep well spell. That way you will be well rested and looking your best for the big day.


@THCLEMONADE ~ congratulations!! :ring:


Congratulations :tada::clap:
That’s huge!!! I’m so happy for you!! I’d suggest a road opener spell and whatever @Francisco says lol I’m new to the marriage rituals. But you’ll have a great wedding/ceremony!!!


You’ve got some lovely spell suggestions @THCLEMONADE, so just jumping in to wish you a very warm congrats!!! :partying_face: Wishing you and your partner a very blessed ceremony and a joyful time together! :heart::tada::blush: