Good spells using clovers?

There are many magickal things to do with clovers. After all, they are a sacred symbol that brings good fortune. :four_leaf_clover:

  • Create a charm bag with protective herbs (Garlic, Lavender, Rue, Bay leaf) and add a clover for extra good luck. Bring it with you before an important event, hang it over your bed, or gift it to someone to double your luck!

  • Press it inside your book of shadows or other personal journals to keep them protected.

  • Carry a four-leaf clover in your wallet or purse to attract money.

Rolling in Clover Spell

Here’s a spell I like from the book Wicca and Witchcraft For Dummies by Diane Smith

Spell with clover

“Rolling in clover” is an old expression that refers to living in abundance, with all basic needs comfortably met. This joyous expression is the basis for this sample spell to ensure financial security.

To cast the spell, you may want to cast a circle, invoke or evoke Deity according to your beliefs, and raise power. Don’t forget to take down the circle and Earth the power after the spell is cast.

For this spell, you need to gather or purchase some clover. Clover is a common herb, and different varieties grow wild in many areas. Both fresh or dried forms are fine.

Ideally, you can cast the spell in a field of growing clover. Follow these steps to cast the spell:

  1. Take a few minutes to fully relax.
  2. Pour the clover into your hand or lie down in the field of clover. Begin to chant the spell:
    “My days of struggle are over. My needs are met; my bills are paid, and I am rolling in clover.”
  3. Throw the clover aver you like confetti. If you are in a field of clover, roll around like a child and enjoy the scent of the sweet herb.

Repeat the spell with all the power that you can muster. Visualize yourself living in abundance, free of fear and struggle.

With the empowerment of the spell, take practical steps to move toward financial security in your life.