GOOD THINGS, Bad things

Yes, genocide indeed. And going back to what “American ancestry” could be, I think it’s important to include the influence of native tribes in modern-day society.

From the (ironically) so-called “Irish potatoes” and corn, to all the place names that are derived from native names: Utah, Mississipi, Alabama, Tenessee, Ohio, Illinois, Delaware… the list is endless.

Also the use of tobacco, youth groups such as Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts that include programs based largely on Indian lore.

There are more examples here. I feel that if you grew up on this land, you owe a lot to American Indians and that’s part of your culture as well!


Exactly! Native lore states that when nature is ruined, we must look to Native Americans to survive. I have read much about this. I believe this to be true.

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Also, it is interesting to note the Gauls (Celts), were said to have defeated the Tuatha De, Dananna. The deities we look to as witches, are included in this group. I can reconsile this but it makes me feel uneasy. The Celts did not build the standing stones, famous in the British isles. Also, the Indo-European culture shows evidence it survived into Hindu and Celtic cultures. The parallels are amazing. Esoteric Knowledge gives us an integration of all of those. Amazingly farfetched, but not beyond observations!


All 3 of my children were Boy Scouts, even my daughter. When you lead you have room to let others grow.


That’s wonderful! I was a Girl Scout- originally not by choice, my mother was the troop leader :laughing:. But I was able to learn a lot about nature and some very useful skills- building a fire, doing crafts, working with herbs, some cooking- I got a lot more out of my time as a scout than I thought I would! :blush: It really does help to foster a harmonious relationship and appreciation for nature :national_park:. Not to mention all the tasty Girl Scout cookies too! :cookie::two_hearts: