Greeting the morning

Hi there everyone :smile: I was listening to a podcast recently by an experienced druid who happened to mention his daily ritual for greeting the morning. It made me think about my routine in the morning and how it would be nice to mark the start of each day in some meaningful way. Does anyone here do this or have any good suggestions for a honouring nature/the Goddess and God each morning

Thanks as always


I noticed the Spell8 site has meditations that address Greeting the Morning!


I just finished editing this video. It’s a short prayer for a wake-up routine, honoring the God and Goddess.

I was going to share it by email but you read my mind apparently!!


I’ve been trying to do an early morning meditation (sometimes with tea, sometimes just sitting quietly!) and I found that it helps get the day started on a good note :woman_in_lotus_position::two_hearts:

You may be interested in checking out the Wiccan Daily Devotional- it changes every day, so it’s always interesting!



My morning always starts out with a cup of coffee - and that’s about as routine as I get. I live in an apartment right now, so I don’t feel too comfortable walking around outside as the sun is rising. We just moved here, so I don’t know too much about the neighbors.

I try to do a morning meditation, but sometimes I get overwhelmed with the amount of work I have to do that I just
don’t. I know it would be helpful, but in the morning I just want to get up, have my coffee, and get started.

This LĂșnasa, I actually plan on creating a list of things that I’m grateful for, but also a list of things that I want to cultivate within myself. Having a solid morning religious routine is one of those things.


I’m usually too busy (and tired!) in the morning for an elaborate morning routine, but I do listen to this lovely Morning Wiccan Prayer while getting ready for the day :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks for sharing @Francisco, I love it :heart_eyes:


I usually just go outside and wish mother earth and father sun a “good morning” :sunny: :earth_americas:


Guys, thanks for all your suggestions. I always do a guided meditation in the morning, but I always feel I should be doing something spiritual as well. These devotionals and prayers are a good start. Thank-you.