Guided Meditation Question

I have done the Guided Meditation twice - the first time it was with the Seeking Witchcraft podcast where I had a favorable result and visualized positive things and a pentacle in purple haze on my altar. Tonight, I did the Spells8 variation of a very similar outline for the Guided Meditation and it was not a positive result. When I am in my Inner Cavern and I got to the altar I saw skulls on the alter and then images of dead things started appearing. It was scary and unsettling and I am not sure what it means or why it happened. I could use some feedback or interpretations. Thank you!


My knee-jerk reaction is either a deity or something from your past to do with the otherworld or crossing the veil is trying to get your attention for some reason? I’m not really sure. Maybe someone else more experienced with the meditation or the symbolism can be of more help to you. :heart:


I can definitely see how that would be scary if you weren’t expecting it- I’m sorry you had an unsettling experience, @annakya :pray:

Every time we meditate is a different experience- even if we listen to the exact same meditation, we and the mental state we are in, are different each time. We are learning and growing and changing every moment. Like they said in my tea ceremony classes: ichi-go ichi-e (every moment is precious and unrepeatable). And that is a positive thing- it helps us to be mindful and appreciative of each moment :blush:

In regards to why you had such a spooky meditation, there are many possibilities. Before the meditation:

  • Were you feeling extra stressed and perhaps low on self-confidence?
  • Were you scared or worried about something?
  • Did something happen during the day that planted the seed of this vision- a visit to a cementary, a movie, thinking of someone who passed, etc?

Additionally, I agree with what Siofra said- there are many deities involved with the cycle of life and death, the underworld, and the passage of time. I would recommend looking into these deities (such as Hekate, Hades, Persephone, Osiris, etc) and seeing if there are any that resonate with you.

Meditation is a common medium for deity communication and someone may have been reaching out to you :phone: :blush:

Take some time to rest, recover, and regain your sense of inner calm. Again- every time we meditate is different, so feel free to return to your meditation practice when you feel ready :person_in_lotus_position:

Good luck and blessed be! :sparkles:


Thanks so much for the response! Yes I am trying to work myself up to working with Hekate and was thinking about her during the meditation. I will have to consider that was maybe her reaching back out to me. I just had a heckin scare.


So that is possible because when I was a teen I tried diving into necromancy and had a really scary interaction that I basically ran away from and gave up paganism/occultism altogether. Whoever that I had that interaction with, the scariest time was when they gave me a name and that was the last time I had contact to that and it’s been over 10 years. I don’t know how to know what/who I had been communing with.

During this meditation I was thinking about Hekate and so I guess this could have been in relation to her also.

I did some research on meditation symbolism and apparently the color purple symbolizes a block in my crown chakra which 100 percent makes sense to me so I will be trying different things to release this block also.


I think I just figured out who it was. Based on the animals and stone I have been drawn to for years and imagery of my meditation and the subject I was studying so long ago I believe it was Ereshkigal. It feels like I have cleared part of my block by figuring this out or this coming to me, it’s like a breath of relief. So I think this is right.


That would definitely throw me for a loop, too :grimacing: but I agree with what Bry and Siofra have said. It’s possible you picked up the perceptions of Hekate’s correspondences since you were thinking about her. It’s also possible that she’s trying to get your attention for one reason or another. :skull: Or it could be Ereshkigal, as you said. There are a lot of different possibilities here.


No one could blame you for the scare, @annakya- from what you described happened during the meditation, I would have had a fright too! :heart:

Feel free to take whatever time you need to rest and recover after the shock. Deities aren’t restrained to the same limits of time as humans are- I am confident that if Hekate is indeed reaching out to you, She will be ready to welcome you when you are ready :blush:

Good luck and blessed be! :sparkles:


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