Hello, hello! :)

Hello! :sunflower: I’ve been an on again, off again witch since I was around 13 (I’m now 34)! My primary magickal focus at this point in my life is following the cycle of the moon with new moon and full moon rituals :slight_smile: I also love to think of yoga and yin yoga practice as magick and will supplement spells with yoga to build the energy.

I just wanted to join a community and delve into more resources and ideas for magick and spell work :sparkling_heart: I’m looking forward to seeing everyone around! :grin:


I bid you warm welcome and many blessings.


Merry meet @Alarm,

Welcome to the forum! :blush:

You’re certainly not alone in your interests here- moon magick is a very popular topic (the Moon-Magick Tag might be of interest to you) and I know several folks here who incorporate yoga and other meditative moment into their practices- I’m definitely a yoga beginner, but I do love a good walking meditation :walking_woman: :national_park: :two_hearts:

I’m happy to say you’re in the right place! There are a lot of wonderful things about being a solitary practitioner, but having an online coven at your back gives you the best of both worlds in my opinion :handshake:

Feel free to explore the Courses- there are so many wonderful topics to explore! And if any questions come up in your studies, know that the Q&A Category is there for you. Your friendly coven is happy to help (and just chat too!) :infinite_roots:

Make yourself at home here, Alarm! Blessed be :sparkles:


Hi @Alarm! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. Welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

We’re so glad to have you here! I second going through the courses, they’ll help you figure out what you know, and what you don’t know. Plus they’re fun!

If you have any questions, just ask and someone will pop up to help you out. I look forward to getting to know you better!


Welcome @Alarm! Nice to meet you, everyone here is very friendly & helpful. I agree with the courses & searching for moon magic in the forum, it’s very popular here! There are many things contained in the courses & forum to answer almost any question, but feel free to ask any that may come up that you can’t find an answer to & someone will help you as much as they can!

I have 3 amazing children even if 2 of them are legally adults now. I was on through my teens then off when I became a mother & 20 years later I came back & I feel much better about everything. I’ve made some great friends too! I joined in July of 2020 & learn something new every day.
the if it would be something to continue in your practice & you get many different ideas because everyone approaches the challenges differently!

I am a solitary eclectic pagan. I’d say Celtic Pagan, because most of my work is based on Celtic Paganism including my pantheon, but I draw from so many ideas that make up my unique craft. :smiling_face: Everyone’s practice is their own & no 2 are the same.


Hello! I am a yogi and I find Kassandra to be in tune with the cycles of the sun and moon.
Here is a practice for Summer Solstice. Yoga with Kassandra - Summer Solstice

If you use her app, she also has moon flows. I encourage you to explore her YouTube account because she may just have a flow that speaks to your soul.


Lovely to meet you @Alarm
Welcome home :infinite_roots:
Love :heart: and :magic: always,


@Alarm welcome!!! U have definitely chosen a wonderful community to restart your journey. We have so many different paths here. And everyone is treated with courtesy and respect.


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