Hello my sisters! )O(

It’s like a buffet, you take what you want and you leave what you don’t. I think if you rely on your experiences, intuition and instincts, and have some fun with it, these answers will come to you quicker than you might imagine! Do the weekly challenges! You don’t have to cast spells to do them and they’re amazing. Witchcraft is like anything – you gotta do it. If you want be a good cook, you could read cookbooks all day and I’m not knocking that but you’ve got to get in the kitchen, get out your tools and ingredients and cook.


Ah, the lovely Mary!

What I put into a long page, you evaporated it down to one sentence.
You are such a precious gem to us.


Thanks you guys for ALL of your advice, knowledge, wisdom and guidance. I feel such love. :heart:

I feel and believe I am also a Eclectic witch as well.

One more question for you guys…

I find myself throughout the day LONGING to get home just to “lock” myself in my room and study, study, study. Research. Study. Research. Study.
It’s ALL I want to do. My fiance said “You’re obsessed my love with perfecting your craft and finding your path.”
But I feel that if I am not studying and learning at that moment, I feel outside of myself. Witchcraft REALLY has a pull on me. Does anybody else find they ever feel this way, like you just want to be alone with it and get lost in it? I mean is this feeling normal? I feel as if I couldn’t have my craft, I would feel lost. Like apart of me was missing.

I study on my lunch break, after work, in the morning, random moments. I just want to be alone with it. If that makes sense.


Yes, there have been times whenI have felt that way. Then there are times when I feel like I am not progressing fast enough and I have to remind myself it’s not a race, be patient, don’t skim the book read the words and fully digest the meaning. (Like now, lol). It has been helpful for me to have a plan. I think of it like college - there’s a certain number of texts I will have read by the time I’m a “sophmore,” but if I don’t digest and implement what I read it will be for nothing ( though let’s be honest, nobody reads every page of every college textbook…). Don’t fear the energy you have for the Craft right now. Use it, revel in it. But don’t allow it to imbalance your life (your fiance did not ask me to say that, lol). Besides, reading and research are more useful than binge watching Netflix, right?


@mary25 this is probably the most accurate thing I have seen. I love how you worded this. :sparkling_heart:


It absolutely is more interesting! :slight_smile:
I just need to find the balance.


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