Thank you for sharing this.
I’m not sure if this is also relevant, but to compare to my partner… I have had a shadow in my dreams. Only once was I in bed and unable to move. In the dreams, I’m up and doing something somewhere. Then I sense it approaching, and I try to get away.
One of the more recent times, I was in an older apartment, and I sensed it coming up the building stairs. Then I saw it behind a curtain in the apartment. And then, all of a sudden, it was in front of my face. And I woke up.
That’s the only other place something like that has been really obvious, and I’ve visually seen it. (Almost. Years ago, I thought I saw something in the home of someone who turned out to be a dangerous person and later kidnapped and hurt someone else. But I dismissed it at the time as I was focused on getting out of there as they were getting irrationally angry.)
The last time I “experienced” a shadow (so, this is after seeing one behind my partner), I didn’t see it. But I knew it was behind me, and I wasn’t afraid. But I didn’t do anything, either. I kind of just mentally acknowledged it was there and noted it felt like it was acknowledging me, and that was it. It didn’t feel like it was trying to get my attention but, again, curious, if anything. I don’t know how I “know” that, but I suppose because it was too calm? Like, there was no sense of urgency of anything.