Yep. It is often the Wild West out there. The first four or five links I got were all the Internet Archive site so I just picked the first one. Other links farther down mention copyright and vaguely hint it is legit and that the PDF was created by the author. That may be smoke and mirrors. I’ll change my post to indicate the preferred place to get it.
As far as having the time to read it, I can identify with that! It takes a bit of determination and if one has a busy schedule, it would need to be balanced with other needs. However, the concepts are worthy of note.
Well drat. My dyslexia strikes. I will change it. Thank you! I’m still getting good links but just in case, I bought the version on Amazon. FWIW the second author’s first name is Peter. Phil Hine and Peter Carroll (Carroll wrote the forward)
S’OK, @dan3. I figured it was just a basic mix up between the two. I have dyslexia, too. Can’t tell right from left, and the letters qpdb9g all look a lot alike except in context.
Sorry if I sounded terse, back there. No insult intended. Just making sure credit goes to the author where credit is due and helping others find a good book.
I haven’t read it yet. I’m interested in joining you for discussion, if you’ll have me. Like you, though, I’m still crazy busy.
Well sure, please jump in! I want to learn as much as possible about this and getting other opinions should be super helpful for all. The book is not trivial - Ivy Corvus mentions needing to go back and re-read it because it addresses so much.
I put a placeholder on the Book Club link. In the placeholder I put a blurb about the first two chapters but my summary is light weight. Hine puts a lot of stuff out there and I feel my understanding would be illuminated with some discussion. Even if you can’t get to the book, questions and comments about what was summarized would be swell!
You might also want to add Austin Osman Spare in the discussion.
As an aside, ‘On Zos Ka’ & ‘Chaos Mysticism’ by Carl Oort are quick and easy reads on the subject as well
This is a good overview and prep for the book “Condensed Chaos” by Phil Hine.
I’ve run into the hint that there are practical examples of Chaos several times but I still feel like I’m flying way over the top and not seeing an actual example.
I wanted to thank you (again) for posting this. I’ve read several descriptions of what a Mind Palace was and could never get it through my head. I watched Ivy’s video once and still didn’t get it but I reviewed it again last week and something clicked…
The key for me was to realize I didn’t need a space station, I needed something I liked and wanted to visit… something that was easy to link to for me… something that was uniquely mine.