I consider myself gifted and very in-tune with the world around me. I have always had a gift of knowing things before they happen. I feel people’s energy and know when a place is haunted. Etc. Does anyone else here experience this or am I just weird?
Yes, yesss, yyyeeeessssssssss! This happens to me, all the time. You are NOT weird, @raquel5 you are Magickal! Also, since this is the first time you have posted, I just wanted to say, Welcome home! We are like family here!
With love and magick always
The Other Marsha
Thank you so much. I feel like I am amongst a family that understands me here. I have always tried to understand my gifts and myself but grew up in a very
religious family so I never spoke about it to my own family. I am only comfortable talking about it as an adult. I never understood it until the recent years. Thank you for the warm and magical welcome.
The more one becomes in tune with their stones the more the harmonic resonance is felt. this is why it is imperative to attune or bond with your crystals via cleansing, charging, and carrying on one’s body for 30-90 days nonstop. It is these vibrations that assist us in crystal healing, spells, and other crystal works.
Thank you so much. I have such a better understanding now.
First welcome to the family @raquel5 we are so glad you’re here.
Second you are definitely not alone. We are all gifted (can’t think of better word) because be are Witches. We have the desire and are able to do and learn to craft and do things to try to make ourselves and the world around us a better place.
I have some of the abilities that you describe but nowhere near as developed and the fact that you developed them to where they are. You are a very gifted Witch
@Nixi thank you for that. I’m in tears from all of the love and support that is being shown. I have had these gifts for as long as I can remember. I can’t explain it other than I feel like I was born with it. Thank you again. Magickal blessings love and light.
Forgive my ‘rewired’ brain, that was supposed to have that a good number of us have additional gifts well, a deep intuition with Tarot, sight, healing energy, you name it and someone here probably has that gift. You are so not alone
Hi @raquel5! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia. I just wanted to welcome you to the forum!
I’m one of the individuals who have a difficult time feeling anything, so I am majorly envious! All I’ve got is what I call perv vibes and while it’s helpful to have an instinctual knowledge of who’s a pervert, it doesn’t help when you’re working with crystals!
My opinion is that each stone, mineral, or crystal has its own (for lack of a better word) vibration.
Actually, everything on the planet vibrates at a molecular level. Some can exhibit mechanical (macroscopic) vibrations, an example? The tuning fork.
Now as is normal, many people disbelieve and try to disprove most things.
I think that
- Crystal, minerals, and all things vibrate at some level.
2 Crystal energy heals? If it’s happened then it becomes a reality. But not for everyone. Some people are deaf to these vibrations, while others pick up a pebble and are in awe of the sense of power it gives off.
It’s a matter of belief and sensitivity.
First of all, welcome to the forum @raquel5
My name is Megan and I’m one of the moderators here at Spells8 It’s nice to meet you!
I don’t tend to feel my crystals pulse in my hands, but I feel energy a bit differently. For me, energy is a soft hum, a gentle movement like the waves of a lake lapping the shore. I don’t feel vibrations so much as the soft sway of movement back and forth.
You’re not alone, though! Many people can feel and sense the energy of crystals, stones, and people – and so much more!
Yes! Whenever I hold my crystals and concentrate, I can feel some minor vibrations.
Welcome to the forum @raquel5, I’m Siofra_Strega another moderator here at Spells8 & from Cape Cod.
Each crystal or stone has its own bit of energy, as you seem to be sensitive to energies otherwise, it makes sense that would be able to feel the energy from the stone that you are holding. I feel them & each stone is a little different with the energies that they give off & the way that it is felt. Some are more subtle than others &/or you may feel a bit of pressure when the stone is placed on you or in your hand along with its vibrations.
When I am holding my stones in my hands (especially during meditation ) I can absolutely feel the energy that is given off. If you look into the stones you can learn the types of energy it is giving off, whether calming, protective, intuition, grounding, etc… you may also find where are good places for them in & around your home or space, you can also find out the Chakras that they are related to if you work with them at all, or ones to carry with you depending on the energy you are feeling & would like to invite to you for the day, week, etc…
Thank you so very much I can express myself here without judgement and I am feeling so much love and support.
Hello @raquel5!
I just wanted to pop in to say hello and agree with everyone- you’re not weird at all! I think you have some wonderful magickal talents, and I’m happy to say this is a great place to find others who share your skills and interests. We are all learning here together- make yourself at home!
It’s a pleasure to meet you- Blessed be!
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