Introduction to Deity Work

It looks like you’ve been doing your homework, @diavoline! Great job! You mentioned an important distinction, which is the difference between deity worship (giving offerings, devotion, prayer) and deity work (inviting your deity to a specific ritual/spell).

To invite a deity to join a ritual, you may follow this pattern:

  1. Greeting / Address: Use the deity’s epithets or their name and description (e.g. their beauty, abilities, realms).

  2. Make a sincere request. You can write it down, use an affirmation, spell or prayer. Clearly state your intention.

  3. If you like, promise a gift or a duty for their help.

  4. Give thanks and set offerings on the altar.

  5. Meditate. Like Krissie said, this is very important because you’ll be able to receive guidance, inspiration and answers. Also try to write down any feelings or impressions you receive.

Personally, I don’t believe that deities get offended. As a general rule, try to be respectful and polite, but not out of fear, simply out of common respect (like you respect your friends and family).

Sometimes, things happen and in those cases it’s not because the deity is angry at you. They are the result of other factors like human flaws. Your actions or thoughts may separate you from their goodness but that separation comes from you, not from them.

If you are hearing a call, you should answer it. It will most likely be very rewarding.