It’s a bit hard to tell from a picture (can’t see any movement of the flame in a still shot, after all!) but from here it looks good to me, @Babywitchbxtch
If there was anything that seemed off about it, did you check with the Flickering Magic Guide: How to Read Candle Flames, Meanings, and Interpretations? There is a lot of information there that can help you read the movement of your spell candle flames!
Additionally, after the spell has finished and the wax of the candle has dried, you could do a Wax Reading for additional insights in the spell result. Not everyone does wax readings post-spell, but it is a form of divination that can help if spell results are unclear!
If you weren’t worried about anything in particular and were just curious about the burn- again, it all looks good from here Congrats on your spellwork and blessed be!