July, August, September 2022 Daily Single Draws

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Celtic :triskele: Tarot

  • By: Kristoffer Hughes
  • Illustrated by: Chris Down

I actually had 2 cards come out while shuffling in a such way, that those are now the draw. 2 for 1

4 of Cauldrons (Cups :cup_tarot:)

There’s a lot of land here as if trying to counter the power of water by grounding it, & yet the puddles suggest he can never be truly removed from the pools of his emotions.

There are 3 cauldrons of past achievements & expression. They represent his creativity, spirituality, & relationships. Over his shoulder is the cauldron of inspiration but can’t see it. He will seek meaning & solace from what is apparent, but apathy suggests that he will not turn his head & see all that is being offered to him.

Upright: Here we really have someone stuck in a rut. The crisis of the heart is yet to come, but we see a tantalizing glimpse of potential crisis here. You may achieve a lot - in fact, you may have achieved an awful lot – but why the apathy? Sometimes it really is better than the devil you know, but believe me, living in a habitual cycle of repetition for fear of change is not beneficial. There are other possibilities right there beside you if only you could see them. Then there are three significant things in your life or surrounding the question & the focus is so intently on them that the cauldron of inspiration cannot be perceived, but it needs to be noticed & taken from the ethereal hand that is offering it. Don’t carry on as you are just because of apathy – take the Cauldron!

The Second Card that Fell Out

Knight of Swords :sword_tarot:

The Knight has taken to the skies & him & the dragon are ripe for battle. This doesn’t suggest an exclusively physical battle. It may be a battle of wits or an intellectual fight. Either way, the fight is on. The dragon is exhaling smoke, as he is exhausted from the Knight’s attempts. The Knight has good ideas & intentions but needs to be able to hold it together long enough for something to come of the battles. He doesn’t possess the King’s Intellect nor the Queen’s wisdom to give function to the task. The Knight is propelling forward though, while others wonder if he is being foolhardy, impulsive, or on a mission to nowhere.

Reversed: An individual who has become increasingly excessive, patronizing, & even fanatical in his thinking. The reversed knight can be equated in modern life to religious & cultural terrorists who believe they are right & others are wrong.

For traditional 4 of Cups & Knight of Swords meanings please see:


@BryWisteria I really like your perspective on the magnifying glass. This is apropos for my life as well and I did zoom in yesterday for sure with my Oncologist — I have a completely new treatment plan now and it begins earlier than Aug 12 due to rethinking the treatment originally proposed. :stethoscope::new_moon_with_face:


Congrats on your new treatment plan, Jan! :heart: That’s awesome to hear that they got one ready so quickly, and also that you can begin treatment even earlier than expected! Wishing you all the best with it, you’re in my thoughts :blush:

Blessed be! :sparkles:


Friday, July 29, 2022

Celtic :triskele: Tarot

  • By: Kristoffer Hughes
  • Illustrated by: Chris Down

9 of Cauldrons (Cups)

Worry is a poor partner & ultimately futile. There are times when we just need respite. Looking at the card closely we see The Assembly of the Wondrous Head & which really is a severed head on the golden plate upon the feasting table. There is no pain present in this scene, & the head retains its ability to speak & feast. The gentleman at the head of the table has eaten his fill & is taking a well-deserved nap, content & happy in his place.

Our imaginations alone can take us to places & lands far beyond the worry of everyday life, but to what extent is this avoidance, & when does it become indulgent?

Reversed: In a reversed position this card suggests that you can’t party away all your troubles all of the time. Be truthful with yourself, be loyal to your responsibilities, & liberated from your worries. If you have made mistakes, admit them, do not conceal them.

***For traditional **9 of Cauldrons (Cups :cup_tarot:) ** meanings please see:

Rune Draw

Perthro :perthro:

Magickal Uses: Increase connection with the unseen world. Use in conjunction with Laguz :laukaz: to help increase psychic powers. Use to increase luck or use with Nauthiz :naudiz: to appeal to Norns to reweave fate to your benefit.

Overall Meanings/Keyword(s): Fate, Destiny, Luck, Illumination, Secrets, Transformation, Karma, Chance, Destiny, Divination, Choice, Primal Law

The ancient Norse were serious about gaming. The gods assisted when the dice were rolled. Either the act of throwing/tossing dice or other playing implements.

Little difference between techniques & tools of rune casting & gambling. Gambling was a passion among Germanic peoples. Testing luck was the same as their essential being.

Something to be filled & drunk from. Hand of fate through karma or Divine predestination is showing strongly in one’s life.

Power order & purpose behind the seemingly random events.

Intense forces of change from behind the scenes are occurring currently. Perthro :pertho: suggests positive forces unless shown with negative runes.

A reminder that not black & white is an oversimplification of fate into good or bad. The change referenced is associated with an infinite amount of complexity & subtlety.

Fate exists at a level we can never truly know what seems true may be false.

For more information about Perthro :pertho: please see:


Saturday, July 30, 2022

Celtic :triskele: Tarot

  • By: Kristoffer Hughes
  • Illustrated by: Chris Down

6 of Wands :wand_tarot:

Upon the dragon of your successes you are triumphant. There is beauty & light around you; you have been recognized by your peers & progressed wonderfully. Your self-confidence is apparent & inspiration to others.

Reversed: In the reversed position this card warns of an ego trip, quarrels, & maybe disrepute. It may be that people’s confidence in you or someone at the heart of the issue has faltered. There is shame in the reversed position of this card.

For traditional 6 of Wands :wand_tarot: meanings please see:

Rune Draw

Jera :jeran:

Magickal Uses: Bringing desired events, family, matters, growth & increase, facilitates harmonious relationships to time & seasons. Can help manifest your goals.

Overall Meanings/Keyword(s): Year, Life Cycle, Prosperity, Accomplishment, Cycles, Rewards, Peace, Orbit, Dawn to Dusk (meeting point of Day & Night), Everything Changes in Its Own Time. Make the most of the present & enjoy every moment of your life.

Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Flesh, Breath, Kindling, River. I offer myself to the cultivation & sustenance of the eternal hearth. No belly, no heart, no soul is left without or behind…

The reward we’re given for effort & work well spent & by working hard. We help keep the Great Wheel of the Universe moving.

Rune of the year speaks to work well done & harvest from the hard work. Cause & effect. What goes around, comes around, you reap what you sow.

If you have been dealing with adversity Jera is a positive sign that things are moving forward & getting better. Reaping rewards for hard work & perseverance.

Advised to acknowledge that any adversity you are or have been experiencing will ultimately contribute to your growth you are who you are because of the lessons life taught you.

Brightstave/Upright: cyclical aspect of nature, the great wheel of the year. The natural cycle yields good fruits.

Rewards for the right action. Plenty & good harvest can be expected. Recipient of the generosity of another. Experience organic/material manifestations of your actions. Have the patience to act at the proper time.

Reward, Plenty, Peace, Proper Timing

  • Traditionally there is no Merkstave/Reversed meaning for this rune

For further information & correspondences please see:


Sunday, July 31, 2022

Celtic :triskele: Tarot

  • By: Kristoffer Hughes
  • Illustrated by: Chris Down

The Chariot

Behold: Within my Chariot rides the unseen wisdom of all that has gone before. I am the sum totality of everything that you have seen & been thus far. I originate from understanding & knowing, & my journey takes me to the fort of force & power. I am strong. I have the will to cause deep transformation. I stand for what is right & truthful; I am the truth against the world & its action in motion. I can carry you forward by the breath of a dragon to the plane of inner wisdom, are you willing to believe in yourself enough for this to become reality?

Upright: There is very little you can do to stop the onward motion of the Chariot & therefore the question at hand. This situation is going to roll forward whether you like it or not. It asks whether you can jump on & go along for the ride. The destination may be unclear, but the presence of other Major Arcana ahead of the Chariot will certainly imply the potential destination. You must exert your will & put it in motion; do not stand by & think that you will simply be caught in the drama. You must have faith in your ability to ride this situation to its required or inevitable conclusion. However, this is the last card of the Journey of Finding Expression. Look for clues that imply an onward journey into finding wisdom.

For traditional The Chariot meanings please see:

Rune Draw

Hagalaz :haglaz:

Magickal Uses: Hagalaz :haglaz: is a powerful rune for meditation. Sit with this rune to understand that no matter how bad you have it, you could always have it worse. No matter the number of crops that you lost, you could always lose more. Chant this rune as you meditate to help find optimism in the direst of situations.

Protection, Luck, quick transformations, success in navigating difficult situations, break unhealthy patterns.

Overall Meanings/Keyword(s): Hail, Dark Feminine, Destruction, Transformation, Past Lives, Healing, Potential, Disruption, Change, Delay

Seeds of icy carnage rain down, planting points of clarity & choice. The shattered ground on which you stand cannot stay frozen in its brokenness: sprouts of life will emerge once the schism in your heart - & soul – has shifted, bearing a refreshed path.

Mighty Hella, lady of Hel, cradle me in your dark womb of rebirth. Breathe cool air into my hour of incendiary transformation. I cannel Urd, Norn of the past, to alchemize my history, honoring & releasing what was, in the name of sewing my newly-fertile fields of inheritance.

Hail can fall from the sky any time of the year, not just in winter. Just as hail can appear suddenly in a clear sky, this rune portends a very sudden change in your circumstances. This isn’t always a pleasant change either, but one that you will have to bear until it’s over.

We cannot always control our circumstances. Hagalaz signifies these forces of chaos that cannot be controlled. You cannot control or “fix” this interference; resistance is futile. Know that your course is being corrected for reasons beyond your understanding. You may be being forced into taking a new approach, which will become clear with patience & perseverance.

For more information please see:


Thursday, August 4, 2022

Celtic :triquetra: Tarot

  • Kristoffer Hughes (Illustrated by: Chris Down)
  • I shuffled the deck 3 times, took off the top 3, & drew:

2 of Shields Reversed

Keywords: Juggling act, Learning from relationships, Adaptability

The mystery of this card lies in the identity of the juggler. He stands between prey & by doing so keeps the predator at bay – or are these, in fact, elements of himself? We learn so much by means of relationships, how do yours define you?

Divinatory Meaning (Reversed)

Reversed, the shields cannot hold their position & will crash into the snow. Suddenly your feet will feel very cold, unprotected, & vulnerable. There is disorganization that has arisen from the fact that you are juggling for some cause that has become lost to you. It all feels too forced & false. Letters & correspondences may bring less than good news.

For traditional 2 of Shields (Pentacles) meanings please see:


Mine was from the Enchanted Map oracle cards by Colette Baron-Reid today:

I drew the card Flying “You have the power to see things from a higher perspective.” I take this as in taking a step back and getting some distance provides a unique perspective on your life/situation.



Thank you for sharing @jan_TheGreenWitch, sometimes taking a step back & looking at it from another point of view can be helpful in your own responses & actions sometimes. :two_hearts:


That’s so true @Susurrus , and it’s beautiful when a card shows up and you know exactly why. It’s exactly the push i needed to let go of a perspective I was being closed minded about in my treatment plan! I feel so much better!


Oh that’s amazing! I’m so happy for you & that you are feeling better. I hope it flows through the weekend & continues for you! :smiling_face: :revolving_hearts:


Saturday, August 6, 2022

Celtic :triskele: Tarot

  • By: Kristoffer Hughes
  • Illustrated by: Chris Down

Statement: - My form is undone, but do not mourn, I will rise anew from the cauldron born.

Upright: The time has come to take a good long and hard look at either the question in hand or, in fact, your entire life. Rebirth (Judgment) is about precisely that: thinking of and making practical changes that bring about new situations. This is a card of deep transformation. Decisions have to be made, and the past must be put to sleep, placed in a box, wrapped in gingham cloth, and a nice ribbon tied around it. The time has come to stand up and say, “That’s it; enough is enough!"
But all of this comes about by means of reconciliation. You have found peace within the situation, and the time is right to move on. Spiritually, this heralds a new awakening, a coming into being. This is a glorious card with far-reaching consequences; nothing will ever quite be the same again.

***For traditional Judgment meanings please see:


Aug 6, 22

Comes 7 places after Darkness, card 1, in the oracle cards.

Enlightenment, awakening to the possabilities around you. The ability to see what was before unseen. A source of energy.


I just have to acknowledge that this has just flowed right in with things for me perfectly for my day :smiling_face: Thank you for sharing & I love the artwork! :star_struck:


32 cards, so it’s the same as the number of roads on the tree of life.


Saturday, August 7, 2022

Wild Crystals Deck


Healing Properties:

  • Peridot is the ideal stone for those wanting to have a new skill. Revered for its ability to focus energy, this stone is popular among scholars& students alike. It is also said to slow the physical effects of aging on the body & help reduce fevers.


  • Astrological Sign: Taurus :taurus:
  • Herbs & Plants: Lavender :herb:, Patchouli, Orchid
  • Element & Planet: Earth :earth_element: , Venus :astrology_venus:
  • Chakra(s): Heart :heart:
  • God(s)/Goddess(es): Lakshmi

History & Lore:

Peridot crystals found in the black volcanic :volcano: sands of Hawaii are believed to be the tears of the Goddess Pele. It has been found in the jewelry of Ancient Romans & is said to have been worn to ward off insomnia & ease depression. It was once believed that Peridot could only be seen once night has fallen. When set in gold, it is said to prevent nightmares & protect from night terrors. It is suspected that the prized emerald collection of Cleopatra was actually a large collection of Peridot.


@Susurrus Riddle me this… I am a Leo and born in Aug and thought my birthstone sign is Peridot - then I started looking it up and I see it is associated with a couple of different dates/astrological signs including Taurus. Confused, help! :green_heart::leo:


Monday, August 8, 2022

Inner Child Oracle

  • (By: Amanda Lynn Hails)
    I shuffled 3 times, removed the top 3 cards & flipped over the top card:


It is time to treat yourself and/or others to something magical, mystical, & fantastical! What the treat consists of is not as important as the spirit in which it is enjoyed. When thinking of the perfect something, reflect on how it would make you feel. Does it connect you to feelings of wonder & joy? If so, you have got a winner!


@jan_TheGreenWitch sorry I missed this yesterday, I will have a think on it though & get back to you! Interesting find that’s for sure. It may be later today, but I will look into it as soon as I can :smiling_face:


My Santa Muerte deck:

Unconscious calling to trust our intuition above reason & rationality.

The imagery of 3s & the moon maybe connect to the sacred triangles.