Did you know you can make Black Salt at home? Black Salt is a Kitchen Magic ingredient, which is usually charged or blessed with an intention or purpose.
Black Salt With Egg Shells and Charcoal for Protection
Keep in mind that this salt has nothing to do with the black salt that is used for cooking, so it should not be eaten. Use it only for spellcasting!
Black salt is traditionally used by witches as a protection ingredient that can be added to spells, baths, or sprinkled in the home.
How to Make Black Salt with Egg Shells
You will need:
- Egg shells
- Charcoal or ashes
- Salt (any kind)
- Pepper (optional)
Print it: Black Salt Recipe for Protection
Recipe inspired by SilverBear’s post: Black Salt Recipe
You can use ashes from your fireplace (firewood or charcoal), but if you don’t have access to a hearth, use incense ashes or ashes from herbs that you’ve picked and burned yourself.
Use one or more of these protective herbs. Make sure they are fully dry before you begin:
Bergamot, cedar, cypress, lime, lemon, myrrh, juniper, rosemary, anise, vetiver, dill, basil, cinnamon, thyme, parsley, mugwort, poplar, yarrow, elm, holly, linden, hawthorn, ash, willow, oak, coconut, bay leaf, myrtle, birch, incense, jasmine, patchouli, pine, rue, verbena, ferns, fir, hazel, heather, mistletoe, pepper, thistle, wormwood.
Charcoal represents the purification power of Fire to burn and banish anything negative.
Clean the egg shells with some soap, let them dry and crush them with your mortar and pestle. Work it until you have a very fine powder. I use a kitchen strainer to filter out the big pieces.
This powder is also known as cascarilla (cáscara de huevo) or “egg shell” and it’s sold in most spiritual stores in Latin America. It’s commonly mixed with holy water, florida water, or oils for spiritual baths. There are many recipes and videos on how to make cascarilla. -
Crush the charcoal and mix it with the cascarilla (egg shell powder).
Add the salt and mix it. Optionally, you can add some ground black pepper.
Working with the mortar and pestle can be a very satisying exercise, especially if you are holding on to negative thoughts or feelings. Visualize them as you crush your ingredients and let all of the negativity be released in this exercise.
It might not look totally “black”, remember this is a DIY alternative. While it won’t be black as coal, it will have the same power as any store-bought Witch’s Salt.
What is Black Salt used for in Magic?
As you may know, salt has many magickal uses and a long history in rituals of purification, protection and blessing.
Some witches like to pour this salt on window frames and doorways to protect the home.
When you cast a spell, pour a pinch of Black Salt in each corner of the room, before beginning the ritual, to scare away any negative entities.
Place it on your altar to add power to your spells, meditations, or daily wiccan practice.
Use it for cleaning or consecrating crystals, amulets, tools, circles of protection, and more.
When you have a visitor at home and can feel a negative energy, sprinkle a pinch of the Salt after they leave to clear away the bad vibes.
Use it as a protection ingredient when casting banishing spells, or any spell that uses regular or coarse salt.
New Moon Bath with Black Salt
If you’re getting ready for a big change in your life, take this bath on the night of the New Moon.
Add seven tablespoons of Black Salt to a warm water bath and relax for about 20 minutes.
Over the next lunar cycle (one month) you will get rid of your old spiritual skin and remove any blockages or barriers that prevent you from achieving your goals.