Maybe I went a little overboard 🤷‍♀️

I use a physical planner (The Full Focus Planner of anyone is interested) and like to personalize the cover every quarter when I get a new one. Well this time I found a witchy sticker set on Amazon. I might have gone a little overboard. :joy::joy::joy::joy:


It looks great to me!!


Haha, thanks! I love me some stickers and make them witchy?? Can’t resist!


I see nothing wrong here! LOL! Pile on the stickers. It’s so hard to choose, so choose them all. Hahaha love it! Fun! :heart: :smile:


Love it! :sparkling_heart:


Goodness if you think this is overboard, don’t get a Cricut or similar machine :rofl: I will have to find the picture of my coffee table the first few months I had that machine… now I can only use it at certain times, but when everything was upstairs… there’s no such thing as overboard with stickers :joy:

I think it looks great! :revolving_hearts:

I’m trying to figure out a planner of some kind, but I never do anything at the same time every day so really just trying to get through each day at this point. :laughing:


Lovely! I really like that purple triple moon at the bottom! It’s okay to go overboard on something you really like. I have more incense coming in. LOL!


Oh I love some stickers! I had to go to a digital planner because I get so worried about how everything looks and once I write it down I can’t change it and I’m a digital planner I can straighten things or resize them or change it and it makes me happy. I figured out how to make my own digital stickers that I can use in my digital planner and it’s addicting


I like using Frixon pens. They are erasable! O tried digital but couldn’t get consistent. With the FFP system, it’s almost minimal. For the daily pages you have your Daily Big 3 or three tasks that’s if you got nothing else done, you would feel successful, section for additional tasks, and a small daily calendar broken into half hours on one page. On the opposite you get a full page of notes. I use the notes to record my Oracle cards, gratitude list, and then my end of work journaling that includes writing down my wins for the day, what went wrong, and how I can make tomorrow better.

You have a weekly review and a quarterly review as well that helps you focus in on your goals.

That’s so cool that you made your own digital stickers!!!


That is one of my favorites as well!!! And I too have a slight incense obsession, lol.


Ooo… I may have to look into that, I’m up to two things a day that I want to get done, three things just for myself, & carved out self-care. Plus everyday errands throughout the day.

Oh! And celebrating my accomplishments no matter how small. I haven’t been doing that & its something I really need to do A TON more… even once a day would be good :laughing:


Stickers make everything more fun- and witchy stickers are the best of all! :partying_face:

Your planner looks amazing, @Amaris_Bane, I love how it turned out! :open_book: :two_hearts:


Oh no…another planner for me to oogle over! :eyes: It’s beautiful! And I looked them up, too :laughing: if I could swing that for a planner I definitely would. Sometimes I get tired of using my digital bullet journal and want to physically write again. But I constantly go back and forth between the two :laughing:

Anyway, I love all the stickers you’ve put on it!


Thank you @BryWisteria !!

@MeganB I have a slight obsession with planners myself. I am always checking out new ones online but I really love the set up if the FFP.

@Susurrus I think we could all stand to celebrate our accomplishments more! In today’s world it seems we only celebrate the big things and not the little things. Some days I start with no spoons so getting dressed is a huge achievement. It has taken me a while to get to a place where I recognize my wins every day.


I was looking through it and I do too :heart_eyes: Maybe I’ll add it to my wishlist and get it one day lol


You & me both @MeganB! :star_struck:

My spoons vary by day between the physical & just overall. Sometimes my head is way more motivated & the rest of me & it cant keep up. Thats why i have my pups. They let me k ow when its time to lau down. :paw_prints:


Love it! There’s no such thing as too many witchy stickers! :rofl:


I myself am obsessed with stickers! :hearts:


That’s stunning! I am a witchy sticker collector myself and i cannot bring myself to use them so i end up saving them in a collection… Ill take a pic shortly to show u what i mean lol.


This is what I mean :heart_eyes::smile: