I am glad to hear that your alright!!! May everything go smoothly and safely
@Amethyst - I am so glad that you are safe!
@Ostara - I am so happy that your first day was awesome!
With magick dragons
Thanks, love! It was in the seventies yesterday and now we’ve got snow coming in tonight and tomorrow. Mother Nature needs some meds or something. LOL!
My Mom was from Texas which is why she and Dad decided to settle in WV. No having to hide in hallways. That would have made me puddle myself.
Thanks, love!
Yeah, I’m fine here now that the power’s on and my phone is charged. Thanks, love!
Thank you, my dear!
Oh my gosh, that sounds wild! It must have been scary when it was happening. Thank goodness you (and Sally and her family) are all okay!
We’ve got a Nor’easter hitting New England right now - looks like a mix of snow and rain with some high winds. Hoping that everyone in the path of the storm is doing okay, and staying warm and safe!
Here’s to hoping the wacky weather is at an end and some nicer weather will take it’s place soon - so mote it be!
Be safe Bry! This weather is wild this week!
True that! Thanks, Amethyst - we weathered the storm here, I hope all is well with you (and everyone else too)!
Fingers crossed for some nice gentle sun this weekend
Last night was my first night at work by myself. Everything went great and now I’m off for 4 days. It’s time to harvest some wormwood before it takes over! There is so much of it after it dry’s, I will have to grind it into a powder to store it.
I found potion bottles *
* you know I get excited when I find new emojis!!!
@crystal59 Me too, these new emojis are so cute
Just a quick heads-up: I’ll probably be quiet for the next week. If you want to get my attention, @ me or PM me.
I’m finishing up an old project at work and starting another one with a different team, which means I’m technically working on two at once right now.
I’m also working on the shop section of my own website. Yeah, that means I’m working on three websites at once. It’s wild. But my one is important to me, so come hail or shine, I will get it done.
There’s also a seven-day ritual I’m doing with Lucifer that I will be writing up a report on, so that will fill my evenings somewhat.
Anyway, the point is: Don’t worry. We’re safe. I’m just very, very busy.
Take care, all. Much love.
@starborn Will miss you, but enjoy your time with the lovely Lucifer, wishing you all the best in all your endeavours
Good luck on your projects, @starborn!
Finally my husband is getting back to his old self after 3 months or so of being a zombie! He’s actually having conversations with me and joking. He was listening to his favorite music and started working on 2 new projects! Now I’m working on getting back to my old self too! I used to do crafts every day. Over the last year I barely did anything. It’s definitely been hard to do anything like that when I was just trying to survive. I will be wood burning and painting the altar my husband made for me! I pray that I have the energy and motivation to get back into it!
We are going to miss you this week @starborn, but we understand.
@Sivonnah that is awesome! Please send us a picture when your done. I can’t wait to see it. Sending you love and good energy to get it done.
@Sivonnah That’s wonderful news.
@ starborn my dear sister I will miss you I wish you strength in all you do and many blessings
@ Sivonnah these are great new!
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