Merry Meet Monday - Witchy News of the Week! (Jun 17 - 23) šŸ“

That sounds nice, too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I just canā€™t stand it when it goes above 30Ā°C/86Ā°F. At that point, living starts to feel like an ordeal that I canā€™t handle anymore. But fortunately, humans invented air conditioning. :rofl: I just need some solar panels now so that I donā€™t go broke every summer!


Now your getting to the temps I like. I like the 86F and higher. My boyfriend likes the air conditioner on when it hits 73 outside. I hate it because it hurts my fibromyalgia. So I spend a lot of time outside in the summer. Thatā€™s fine with me too. I like walking in our woods and being one with nature.


Iā€™d hope that your fibromyalgia gives you the final say over the temperature. :sweat_smile: Thatā€™s rough.

Not to be too cheesy about it, but I find it pretty cool that we all have different ranges of temperatures that weā€™re comfortable with. I mean, in the sense that itā€™s another item on the list of how humans wonā€™t all ever be the same ā€œboringā€ creatures and that we can all disagree without being wrong. The idea that thereā€™s a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone is pretty silly.

Of course, then there are the struggles these differing temperatures cause when we try to live with each other. :sweat_smile: :smiling_face_with_tear:

It can be funny. When we have some friends over, we have to put the heat on for them now, and then strip down ourselves. If you were to look through our windows and see us, itā€™d look like two of us are ready for the beach, and the other two are ready for the snow. :rofl:


Itā€™s pushing 90 here which is unusual for June. Iā€™m finding that the heat makes me more tired with ALS. I refuse to stay upstairs in bed all day. Bedrooms are the only place we have air conditioner. I do the best I can til about 3-4pm when it seems to be the hottest.


Same girl same :kiss::kiss: give me the natural heat


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Happy Summer Solstice and Happy Full Moon :first_quarter_moon_with_face::full_moon::last_quarter_moon_with_face:
Charging my crystals, moon water and energetically choosing my next best step towards a new career!

I put my alter outside with my malichite and channeling the sun :sun_with_face: tomarrow and everything I want to release! Sending all

All light is mine and I am free :free: this is inn the Bay Area connecting to the solar plexus and I believe I can and letting go of limitations! This new chapter is going to bring awesomeness and expanding love!!!
So mote it be!


Here is a lovely Summer Solstice flow. Highly recommend it even if you just listen to the beginning mediation and seated flow and the ending poem.


Nothing but old news here! To find out whatā€™s happening this week, visit Activities to find the current Merry Meet Monday news post :newspaper: (If youā€™d like to respond to any posts shared here, please feel free to do so in a new discussion or via Private Message :incoming_envelope: Thank you!)