Merry Meet Monday - Witchy News of the Week! (Mar 25 - 31) 🌕

Thank you @tracyS @Satans_Helper @BlueAngelite @marsha :smiling_face: :pink_heart:

and welcome back @BlueAngelite

I love that you have a local group as well! There are times I would love to celebrate with others in person. Good for you being brave and suggesting forming a local chapter! I checked out their website and was pleased to see there were some chapters in my state, though not quite as close as I’d like. still :thinking:

Congrats on getting taxes done! That was our challenge a couple of weeks ago :sweat: Yay to impending decluttering - feel free to post in Pre Spring Cleaning and De-clutter. I’m excited to get my garden going as well! :seedling: