Moved back home (Michigan)

Blessed morning to all,

I just moved back home after being gone for over 20 years. Was looking for like minded people and found this group. I live in the metro Detroit area, I’m having a hard time linking up so I thought if I come here that I might have a better outcome.


Hi @nicol1! I’m Amethyst from Southern West Virginia, welcome to the forum! :infinite_roots:

I honestly am not sure if we have any Detroit witches, but you’ll make friends here from all over the world! I came here feeling really isolated and I’m not now!

In case you’re interested though, there’s a poll, Where in the World are the Witches that might help you find some people closer to you!

Like I said though, you’ll find people from everywhere here looking to make friends.


Merry meet and welcome home :infinite_roots: @nicol1

I am Marsha, an eclectic solitary witch from Colorado. It’s nice to meet you Nicol and I’m looking forward to getting to know you better. If you have any questions, just ask, and someone will pop up and help.

With love :heart: and magick :dizzy: always


Merry meet @nicol1 and welcome to the forum! :blush:

Welcome home- I can imagine it is very interesting to return after being away for so long! May I ask if you were traveling? I’m currently a witch on the road myself- always happy to meet fellow adventurers! :baggage_claim: :sparkles:

The coven is blessed to have you- please make yourself at home here! I know Amethyst shared the WitWaW discussion, it’s a good one for reaching out to folks in your area. There are also plenty of activities and events too that are great for connecting with coven members around the world- there’s a group ritual today you might be interested in!

Please know that you are warmly invited to join any and all discussions, events, etc that call to you :blush:

Looking forward to talking with you more soon- Blessed be! :sparkles:


Welcome @nicol1 - yes, it’s not always easy to find a coven close enough to home to attend physical events and meetings - plus we are all so different in many ways that having access to an big online community often aligns better with finding that balance of people who are like minded and others who stretch your knowledge and sometimes your beliefs!

Even physical covens often now do remote weekly/monthly meetings instead of in person I’ve seen. Just know that we are all very welcoming and this is such a loving, nurturing and caring environment where you receive and give and feel at home.

Merry meet! :brown_heart:


Welcome, Nicoll. I too am new here but this is a very warm and welcoming group of individuals. I am in Traverse City, been here 11 1/2 months, after moving from Southeast Louisiana. Blessed Be.


Good morning my beautiful witchy sisters. Happy late Yule. I’m from Michigan. Message me. Same area.


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