New Series from Llewelyn

Sabbat Essentials boxed set! Pre-order for $90, or wait for a review?

Essential Sabbat Boxed set


I looked at this set too but can’t help but think I can find information on sabbats without spending 90 bucks. But I’m a cheap skate :rofl:


They’re good books but I’ve bought most of them separately! They’ve got good information, spell and ritual ideas, and recipes.


Hmmm… $90 for 8 books comes out to $11.25 each. Meanwhile it looks like you could buy each one on it’s own for $12.99. That’s really not that steep of a discount- usually, for buying in a whole set, you’d get at least one book for free :thinking:

Edit: After pondering it for a bit, that is one book for free [(12.99-11.25)=1.74 x8 = 13.92]- clearly, I did not go to school for math :joy:

I guess I’d say if there’s one holiday in particular you’re interested in/want to learn more about/are having a tough time finding celebrations ideas, I’d buy just the individual book. I agree with @Satu_TheGreenWitch that there’s a huge amount of Sabbat resources available for free.

That being said, it’s a pretty collection and Llewelyn makes good content! If you’re interested but on the fence, you could always hang on until there’s a sale (along with some reviews) :grinning: :+1:


I will wait for it to come out on Kindle Unlimited. Lol!


As someone who loves books, it is a beautiful set but it is costly. It looks pretty…but they are almost certainly paperback, I don’t know the authors, the set hasn’t been reviewed, and you can’t look inside to get an idea of what’s in it. So I will wait.


These are on Amazon and are not new. I bought the Kindle Versions earlier this year. I agree with @Amethyst that they contain good information. They have a history of the sabbat, various spells and recipes, and three different rituals - group, solitary, and partnership (not gender-specific). I used the Lughnasadh book for my solitary ritual and to get ideas for my altar. Starting to read the Mabon one in a week or two so I have a little more time to plan out what I want to do and gather supplies as needed.


This is for a release of the entire group/ book set that has already been published individually but now it is all boxed up together for sale in a boxed ‘set’ - Although the new set doesn’t release until January 2023, it is price guaranteed at Amazon in case there’s a special or goes on sale or discounted before the release date. If you already own the individual books or are not a collector for the boxed set, it wouldn’t be reasonable for you to purchase it. The amazon individual books have a “look inside” feature, are in paperback, kindle, audiobook, and also have over 1000 5 star :star: reviews. :books:. Now I need to think about if I want to purchase them! Hmmmmm :moneybag:


Honestly, I’m one to wait for reviews or to at least preview the inside on an ebook version or something similar. That’s a lot of money for eight books with no real preview of what’s inside, in my opinion.

Edit: I didn’t realize these were already previously published books that are now being offered in a box set :sweat_smile: I say if you need books on all the sabbats then this might be okay for you if the information is accurate. I don’t know if it so as I’ve not read them myself.


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