šŸ”¢ Numerology: Building Your Core Number Report - Part 3

Awwww yeah :raised_hands: :joy: :heart:

(And cheers to fellow 11-ers @Cosmic_Curiosity and @CelestiaMoon too!)

I canā€™t resist saying that thatā€™s really cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: (and it sounds like the result resonates really strongly with you too!) :sparkles:

Oh, I really like that! :star_struck: Move over stars- this is written in the numbers! :laughing: :+1: :heart:

And you definitely get a whole lot of credit here, Alan- I never would have been able to make sense of all this on my own! Itā€™s thanks to your friendly and approachable style of writing and very clear organization with step-by-step instructions and examples. So thank you again! :hugs: :two_hearts:


@BryWisteria @starborn @Cosmic_Curiosity

Guess who else is an :one: :one: :kissing_heart:

I found the greek numerology chart to do it because my name is written completly diffrent in the 2 languages :sweat_smile:


Welcome to the 11 club :clap::rofl:. I would go with your Greek name esp if that it is how it is recorded on your birth certificate. You can use whatever name you wish if one resonates more.


Megan = 22
(middle name) = 11
Black = 11

Wellā€¦ whatā€™s the significance of 44? :joy: Each of my names adds up to an important number. I feel like thatā€™s gotta mean something! Otherwise, my destiny number is eight.

I think Iā€™m still working on the balance part :joy: or all of it in general. I seem to be all over the place!


Oh! Thatā€™s cool! :star_struck:

But that also means that maybe I should use a Cyrillic one. :thinking:


@starborn Iā€™d use whatever way it is written on your birth certificate and then try it using the Cyrillic too. See which one you feel most drawn too.

@MeganB thatā€™s interesting that each of your names forms a master number and that they add to another number with the same two digits. 44 is not considered a master number in numerology by most numerologists but some will use it, along with 55 as well. Even then, they tend only to use it as your life path number but I have given an indication of meaning below.

It shows the potential to build successful business and abundance. It is a symbol of hard work in the present that will pay off in the end and bring rewards in the future. It characterises a person as hardworking and committed. It also asks you to stay strong in challenging situations rather than giving up and emphasises the importance of balance in your life. You should also protect positive energies around you by regularly grounding, entering and cleansing.


Woohooo! :raised_hands: :laughing: :heart:

22, 11, and 11- Thatā€™s really neat! :star_struck:


Thank you, @Cosmic_Curiosity ā€“ I was doing some digging, too, and found that itā€™s not considered a master number amongst most numerologists. Thank you for sharing the information you were able to find, though! It seems that both meanings deal with balance, something I donā€™t often have a lot of. I will take the advice of grounding, centering, and cleansing regularly - another practice I need to get back into!

Right?! I triple-checked the math every time, just to be sure :joy:


You are very welcome. I love that your names are all master numbers, I have never saw that before.


Looks like the numbers were good to us again this week, providing us with at least some info. We could relate to.

Part 4 (Personality Number) will be posted before midday (UK time) tomorrow. Then there will be one last part the following week.

Thank you for your continued participation.

Blessed Be



Thank you for these wonderfully detailed guides to and your guidance on numerology! :black_heart:


You are very welcome. :1234::slightly_smiling_face::1234:


Hereā€™s my name:

First Name (Marsha) = 5
Middle Name = 11
(Maiden Name = 7)
Last Name = 6

If I add my first name and last name, it equals 11! And if I add in my middle name thatā€™s 22!!! :rofl: Yes, I know thatā€™s not how Iā€™m supposed to do it! :roll_eyes:

I love your posts on numerology.
Thank you so much for sharing with us!

Love :silver_heart: always,


Lots of master numbers in that name! I am glad you are enjoying the lists. I have enjoyed sharing them with everyone and it is great to hear people have enjoyed the, and see people really engage with them.

Part 4, your personality number, was posted earlier so more calculating to do :joy:


Very nice, just like with my Destiny number, even the numbers are the same! :blush: :revolving_hearts:


I did my name from my birth certificate & my

I think there is only a tiny part that I canā€™t resonate with on the surface; I donā€™t feel I need to do things my own way or have a controlled environment. Unless itā€™s more of a subconscious thing, Iā€™m unaware Iā€™m doing or have done. I love :heart: to learn from others, people watch, & how they go about their days. Socializing causes me a lot of stress because I donā€™t feel like I relate to others & never have, mainly because I normally donā€™t fit in with people. I have always been the black sheep, weird, different, or an outcast of some kind. I get stressed because everything comes so easily to others in social situations, but they never come easy to me. Iā€™m not necessarily sure why that is :thinking: Maybe itā€™s the people around me & in my area. However, doing things like going to concerts, fairs, restaurantsā€¦ Iā€™m pretty okay & can have fun with those things regardless of others being there.


42 4+2=6

Yep this definitely hits home. I care so much about others I often neglect myself. Iā€™m kind with people when they make mistakes. Always try to make light of it and make the other person feel better when they maybe embarrassed that they made a mistake. I reming that being human is to error and itā€™s ok. Never thought about being a teacher but it makes sense . Whatā€™s funny is the other day we were talking about lucky numbers and I didnā€™t have one so @Sivonnah gave me number six! Coincidence I think not.


@Susurrus thank you for sharing. Its always good to hear peopleā€™s thiughts on the interpretations, even when there are little things we dont agree with. Perhaps if it is not something you resonate with it could be something you need or would benefit from?

@Devenne oh you eere given that lucky number gor a reasonā€¦it was your destiny :slightly_smiling_face:. Thanks for sharing and I am glad you could connect with the meaning of the number.

Part 4 is your Personality Number has now been posted. Give it a go when you have time:

Blessed Be



Wow! Must have been my intuition!


@Cosmic_Curiosity, oh no 99% of it I absolutely do! That tiny part not that I donā€™t but itā€™s a point of maybe some self reflection as to whether that is something I had done but no longer doā€¦ & I wasnā€™t necessarily realizing I was doing it. I can see where it may have been something I did & possibly in some ways or areas still do but to a much lesser degree or I catch myself then take a moment to readjust to hear other people :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: