Past Lives Tarot Spread: "Who Was I In My Past Life?"

Sorry, I didn’t mean to come off so harsh. It was mostly for dramatic effect.

Movies were extra weird, because it’s so difficult to talk through them! Gotta just sit there and get my ears exploded.

You are welcome at my dinner table of unhealthy food and drinks any time. :sparkles:

Puns. :laughing:

Ooh… Thank you.

No, u! :black_heart:


Awww, that’s good :people_hugging: :heart:

Yes! :joy:
And the talk afterwards… :laughing:

– So that was…
– A movie. Yup.
– Quite…
– So what shall we do next?

Awww, sweet! :smile_cat: :revolving_hearts:

I live for puns :sweat_smile:

:kissing_heart: :black_heart:


Heeyyyy we’re on the same wavelength because I was totally gonna do this sometime this week, too! :joy: Maybe when I get to it, I’ll add it to this thread and we can keep them together!

Anyway, now that I’m reading back through the comments, I see I wasn’t the only person inspired to do this spread lol it seems we all were!


Yay! The more the merrier. :sparkles:

It’s officially a past life appreciation thread. :black_heart:


@MeganB Looking forward to seeing yours :green_heart:


@Devenne @tracyS @CelestiaMoon If it’s something you’re comfortable with, I was wondering, now that there’s been some time… How do you feel about your readings here or regarding your takeaways from them? Like, how do you feel about anything they gave you to think about/action? To me, it kind of sounds like you all got a few things to think about in this life, but also, I don’t want to assume how you feel about that. Am I making any sense at all? :sweat_smile:

Personally, I feel like it was validating for me, but that’s not exactly useful beyond making me feel better. The advice that is there comes up in shadow work and doing readings for myself, anyway. And even before that, the advice about confidence is something that I’ve heard from everyone – from teachers to psychologists. So it’s very much known stuff on multiple levels. :thinking:


@starborn I see that the Four of Cups came up in this reading too :smile_cat: And what an interesting one here… “what karmic lessons did I learn from my past life that I should be aware of today?”. Reflecting with the Tower one I did yesterday… it feels that I might have had a hard time in a previous life because of living life too fast and following my impulses, so I’ve overcompensated in this one.

The Three of Pentacles is another card I’ve seen quite a few times… I feel it’s a good lesson for me to keep in mind, both the grounding and working together. Taking small steps together is a good way to build things that last.

I feel these spreads are a useful reflection tool for me. I haven’t gone back to them a lot, maybe that could be helpful. Usually the way I’ve worked with them is that I’ve seen a nice one here and I’ve done it, then posted my results and written my thoughts here :wink:


@starborn ok. Review time. Spooky actually.

I’m now being shifted by Loki in a new direction, to work with a coven to get change in the world. It’s scary and I’ve been dodging it for some months now, but the runes are correct. Surrender control and trust that this is how my life is progressing, in the past I’d resist this, I’m learning :rofl:

Yikes. :flushed: That happened. Again.

Remember the toxic friend fog lifting off of me. Painful but necessary.

This I’ve finally done, so hopefully broken the cycle here. Thankyou beastie. :sparkling_heart:

This is where Lucifer comes in. Loki is all about forcing change, revolutions and call to action, whereas Lucifer has helped me achieve spiritual grounding, finally I feel settled in my path.

This seems to be playing out now in where Loki is taking me. When the road ahead requires action that may seem insurmountable, remember my divine team is behind me. In the past I’d fight alone, but not now. Took awhile to wake up :grin:

This fits with my reading from Megan today

I never thought the action would be to campaign for others less fortunate, but this is where it’s led me. Finally the cycle of persecution is lifted but now I need to pay it forward and help lift it off others, maybe that’s karma, the fates, the norns? But this is where I’m at. Life is never simple with a chaos god :partying_face::rofl:


@starborn yeah it’s still resonates fully with me. Sorry I don’t really know what else to say. My brain is on strike from exhaustion and too much studying lol. Maybe I’ll get back to this when it works lol.


@CelestiaMoon @tracyS Thank you for sharing your thoughts! :black_heart:

Don’t worry. That’s pretty much what I also said myself. :laughing:

Now that I’m back and I want to say more, my brain is elsewhere… Things to do. So I will also have to come back. :sweat_smile:


I havent done the spread yet but will hopefully do so today or tomorrow. My mum and sister have always said i was on the Titanic in a past life as i was obsessed with it as a child and seemed to know so much about it. I went for my monthly reiki on Wednesday and it was one of the strangest i’ve had. I could see water and the outline of a ship but could also hear the splashing and screaming of people in water. The reiki master said it could have been an unlocked past life memory. Will be intrresting to do this spread and see what it brings to the surface.


@Cosmic_Curiosity ooh please share what you find. :green_heart:


Okay, I’m back for a more harsh response. For myself. Yeah, you guessed right! It’s time to kick my own butt. :grin:

I can see that I had to try really hard to find challenges in this card. :laughing: This reads as nothing but good things to me, so I don’t really know what to say in reflection… Yay for me? :sweat_smile:

I feel like this could have been attributed to my earlier stages in this life as well. I’m fortunate to have a partner who has dragged me through all the muck and out of it. It was not pretty… Absolutely horrible at times. But I’m grateful for all of the struggle that has made me a better person today than I was in years prior.

These days, I am not bothered by addictive things. I don’t binge-watch entertainment, I don’t overindulge in food, and I’ve never been one to shop for the sake of feeling good, but still, I don’t do that or any of that. Well, to simplify it, I don’t do anything to the point that my health or overall well-being may suffer for it.

And I feel like, in doing so, I’ve reclaimed a lot of my life. No more being led by whatever feels good at the time. Not it’s all about what’s truly fulfilling, and I love it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This seems like something that will continue for the rest of my life and it’s entirely a positive thing, so I’m not sure how to address this. :thinking:

Let’s always be learning! :partying_face:


In reflection, heck yeah. As I alluded to with my response to The Devil card, my life has become so much happier and more fulfilling once I adopted more discipline in my actions. Cutting away the things that seem immediately gratifying but leave me feeling hollow has done wonders.

My partner keeps telling me that I’ve been blossoming more and more as time goes on, and how astonishing it is that I keep finding ways to improve myself even further. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I hope never to fall off this horse. :laughing:

@Devenne has done more wonders for my self-confidence in two months than I have over years of seeing psychologists and all that crap. :laughing:

I love you, my beautiful sister! :black_heart: Thank you so much for reminding me to stop worrying about things, be myself, and just enjoy life as myself!

100%. I am grateful to my partner who taught me the value of other people in the first place, to my close friends who consistently remind me that wonderful people exist, and to my new coven-mates who have become beloved friends and mentors in this strange journey known as life. :black_heart:

Okay… That wasn’t as much butt-kicking as I’d hoped for. :thinking: But I’m glad that I did get an opportunity to reflect on my growth and show appreciation for the wonderful people in my life. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I love you truly. Your the friend I always needed but never had. Your strong, beautiful, intelligent, loving, encouraging, honest, and thoughtful. That’s just the tip. We all need that support and sense of community. I’m extremely grateful for you and your help as well. Thankyou for being my sister. I love you. :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging: I’ll always encourage you to fight for yourself because you deserve it. :heart:


That’s so sweet :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m happy to watch you two grow together :revolving_hearts:

That sounds so good :hugs:
What’s your secret? :wink:


You deserve it, too. :people_hugging: :silver_heart: :black_heart:

You don’t want to know. :see_no_evil:

In all seriousness, it’s a bit of a personal philosophical thing. Like @Devenne often says, it’s important to stand for something. Otherwise, we will fall for whatever feels good in the moment. Mine is a set of guidelines to help me be the kind of person I want to be. I wrote them down so I can refer to them whenever I feel lost and need a reminder of why I continue the struggle of existence.

Secondly, having someone to help me enforce that upon myself really helps. It’s probably not necessary for everyone, but I am who I am today largely because my partner helped keep me on my path. Sometimes, we need a mirror to show us the obvious things that we cannot see, even if it hurts.

I can’t really go beyond that without getting into my personal beliefs, so I’ll leave it there. :smile:


I live by this too, otherwise I drift. For me it’s the 9 Lokean values which in a nutshell stands for community, being accountable, taking responsibility, being a source of joy to others, love self and others, and remember nothings perfect so it’s ok to mess up sometimes so relax and laugh at yourself (we are funny beings alot of the time :rofl:).

I need that 2. For me, it’s always been a spirit/guardian spirit that keeps me in check. I tend not to rely on humans for this as I’ve been let down in the past in this way, and left to wander, whereas the gods/demons or whatever always seems to haul my ass in gear when I wander, so it’s them I stand by if that makes sense. :person_shrugging:

This is important, I was given advice, goodness 30 years ago, 2 words, Be Yourself! You are lovely as you, you know that. :sparkling_heart: Everyone in the coven knows that. :sparkling_heart: We are all lovely exactly as we are.! :partying_face:


It’s funny, I was thinking about exactly this most of yesterday and last night… what kind of a person I want to be, and what do I stand for? And even, why do I bother with all of it… is it just all suffering for the sake of more suffering. I didn’t really find an answer yet.

I did some cord cuttings with behaviors that I can say are not part of what I want to be. It felt good, I feel much lighter. Maybe it’s a phase where I get back to the basics once again.


It could be! You might have to address the underlying reasons for the behaviours to truly make them go away.

But don’t fret. It’s never too late to turn things around, and digging deep into these questions is a great start. :people_hugging: :black_heart:


I think what really matters to me underneath it all is raising consciousness for humanity as whole, helping with shadow integration on individual and collective level. I believe only that way we as a species can stop continually shooting ourselves in the foot, and start living life together in a more loving and harmonious way, with the nature too.

How to put it into practice, is a different thing though… :thinking: