Question about being a normal non-Wiccan witch

Greetings, @Carter! :blush:

That’s a great question- and I agree with what others have said here!

I personally do not identify as Wiccan, but rather as an “Eclectic Witch” who draws on and uses aspects from many different branches of witchcraft, religions, philosophies, and spiritualities. I majored in Global Studies in university and I love to travel :world_map: - so it was only natural for me that my love for learning and exploring carried through into my magickal practice.

Each practitioner sets their own borders and rules- and you can always change your mind to devote yourself wholly to one practice, or move to something that works better for you whenever you wish.

My best advice to you on how to feel comfortable and secure in your witchy identify is to explore all the options out there, and see what does or doesn’t call to you! :compass: :grin: Take a look at different pantheons from throughout history, talk in the forums with witches of different paths, and dig into course content and the weekly witchy challenges to learn about and experiment with new aspects of magick :sparkles:

Good luck and blessed spellwork! :sparkling_heart: