RE: The calling of the guardians of watchtowers

I am confused now. For years I have been calling the Guardiand of the watchtowers starting with Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Recently i’ve been reading a couple of books and they all say that the correct way is Air, Fire, Water, Earth. Which one is the correct? I always thought it didn’t matter as long as it felt right, am I wrong? Thank you.
Blessed Be!


Was wondering the same thing just the other day! :sweat_smile:
I’m not sure it makes a huge difference - everyone is getting called in one way or another :woman_shrugging:t3:
I’ll be interested to see what others say though :thinking: :heart:


I suppose it depends on which you think is your cardinal direction. If you’re focused on new beginnings, I would think East and Air. Fertility, North, and Earth. Ect.

Then there’s always different traditions. If you follow the Norse pantheon then North is Ice and it comes first. It all depends on what you follow I would think.


Thank you so much so I guess I have been doing it kinda screwy cause I follow the nordic. Blessed be


You’re welcome! Like I said, everyone is different, even the Nordic traditionalists. It’s mainly how you feel. For instance I’ve always started at the East because that’s the way the sun rises. Just me .

Blessed be to you too!


You’re not wrong! Your questions was answered by Kasie, so I just want to add this: I commend you for asking this question instead of doing something “just because”. The important thing is never to stop questioning! :clap: :clap: