I’m really happy you liked the dream interpretation guide, @lizz!
It’s really neat to look back on this post- I’ve been working on and studying about dreams a lot over the past year since I wrote this entry for a challenge, and I’ve actually shifted my views about dream interpretations quite a bit- I used to believe that everything in a dream had significance, but I’ve since come to find that I don’t think that’s always true. Not everything within a dream automatically has deeper meaning- some appearances do have significance worth reading it, while other things are simply the conscious working through issues or sorting through what happened during the day.
These are just the thoughts I currently have where I am in my practice- always living and learning! It’s likely that, as I continue to study and explore these things, my views around them will continue to grow and develop
Both dream magick and reading symbolism are subjects that I find fascinating In case anyone who wants to hear me babble more about it, there’s more in this Reading Symbolism Guide and an updated view on how to interpret dreams.
Yes! Lemon Balm (aka Melissa) is such a lovely tea as both a sleep aid and for bringing happiness and joy It’s a great herbal tea with some really lovely benefits
However, just a friendly head’s up, if you’re not used to taking herbal teas start with a small dose and only steep for a short time- Lemon Balm can pack quite a (sleepy) punch if you’re not used to it!
Enjoy, Lizz- blessed be!