Runes Made Easy
I have just finished a mind blowing course on runes with The College of Psychic Studies. I don’t know whether to post it here, or a fresh post , maybe fresh? My head’s scrambled so I need time to get it put together for you but I’ve just been shown how to access the hidden knowledge of the runes from each rune through:
1 Vision Work.
2 Turning your vision into the relevant rune and/or bind rune.
3 Creating your own alliteration poem from that vision.
4 Breaking the poem into a sounds based mantra.
5 Using the mantra, and then travelling through the rune to contact it directly and the god/goddess behind it.
The point of this: You don’t need books, meanings, the Eddas or anyone/academic/ historian etc telling you what the runes mean - let the runes do it. For example you just need to know = gift, that’s all. Why?
Quite simply because the knowledge from the books etc is old, and influenced by years of humanities energy, spirit energy and world energy - it’s good to know but won’t help you work with the runes in your life today. To work with them today you need fresh water from Yydrassil. The runic energy works in the past and the present not the future and it personalises itself to each one of us, our pantheon, our energy, our ancestors. This personalisation is done through Galdr literally chanting/ singing our own handmade mantra.
I’ve a blinding headache because I forgot to shut down after the course, will do that now and share his method, but any method works to shut down.
You don’t need a circle to do this work as long as you approach the runes with good intentions, the runes will protect you.
You also don’t need realms of knowledge on the Norse pantheon although that is the spirits/gods that you’ll connect with, because the runes will translate their messages/energies into your pantheon, so whatever vision, messages etc you get - understand it from the system you work in be that Greek, Celtic, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Islam, Demonic or Norse or Athiestic and philosophy - or whatever else that is, don’t try to understand the runes from only a Norse perspective.
I’m so excited to share. Funny point - poor tutor (the tutor was Andreas Kornevall) Loki wanted to come with me on this course and Andreas encouraged us to cleanse our space and bring any deity, charms etc with us and our runes so Loki came.
Two twos - Andreas first couldn’t upload his slide, then a strange message came up on zoom about a meditation to access the gods which he told us wasn’t him and to ignore , and finally he couldn’t find his drumsticks - his words were:
“Loki has decided to join us and he’s hidden my drumsticks” I felt bad as he was confused why the god of mischief was giving him trouble. Lol. Such fun.
Anyway I’m going to clear my head which is burning then figure out how to share this, talk about making the runes easy - this is it. This is going to save me months and months of reading - talk about a short cut. (Though I’ll probably still read, I love books but no stress over getting it right )
Love ya. Skoll