Runes Of Odin

This seems cruel, but it is only in stressful situations that we find out what works for us.

I’m happy for you, @tracyS . You are facing struggle and fear to learn and grow. Many don’t, preferring to keep things as smooth and easy as possible. You are the stronger person for it! Blessings Be!


@georgia Thankyou. :sparkling_heart: Working with Odin is definitely different to working with Loki. But it’s good. :hugs:


Here’s to hoping it’s something fun! :wink: :heart:

On the contrary, I think those are very wise words, Georgia! :heart: You’re right - it’s natural to want to avoid discomfort, but the most growth happens outside of our comfort zones. It’s a good reminder- thank you :pray:


The Rune for Next Week


This rune represents life and death. The initiation into the mysteries of life and spirit. It’s energies are in the eternal, the transformative and rebirth to a new spiritual awakening.

It’s used alot to connect with ancestors. So this is interesting that Odin would pick this rune, as my course starts next week, which is all about connecting with ancestors, spirit guides and those on the other side. This should be an interesting experience. :green_heart:


How to Find Your Rune

I thought I’d share a ritual, a very simple ritual which Odin and I do, to reveal the rune.

After I’ve rubbed my hands, and get a feeling for which rune I’ll be working with, I’ll then go to my special rune deck, and first remove the previous rune I’ve already worked with from the deck. Then I’ll shuffle my rune cards, and the same rune will also be revealed in the cards, confirming Odins choice.

This is the card deck I use, it’s a beautiful deck as it focuses more on the energy and magic of the rune.

This is simple, and a beautiful way to connect with a rune, and feel it. You can do this daily with a rune pull or instead of one.:heartpulse:

Skoll :drinking_horn: :green_heart:


I’ve bookmarked this so I can revisit it. I want to make my own with wood or clay. I have to see what I have


This is a ritual I did last night with my drum. You can do it early morning, late at night in the dark or whenever. You choose your rune, (she is singing out Naudhiz), bang that drum, or if you don’t have a drum clap your hands, and draw in the energy of the rune. :green_heart:

These rituals hopefully will help us draw on the runes energies without having to buy any runes, keeping the magic old and raw. :grin:


@Sivonnah That’s sounds lovely, you’ll have a beautiful connection with them. Fimo is nice too, to use I found. :sparkling_heart:


I don’t have a drum (although I guess a simple one might be easy to make? :drum:) so I appreciate the tip about clapping! This looks like a beautiful ritual. Thank you for sharing it, Tracy :pray: :heart:


A Ritual with Eihwaz

Pronounced Aye-vaz.

You can use this rune to transcend world’s, to talk to spirit, bring you closer to the gods, talk to your ancestors. Here’s a simple ritual to open up communication.


You’ll need
A candle
A bowl of water

Sit somewhere quiet and alone. Light your candle.
Place your finger in the water, swirl the water with your finger whilst you think about who you want to contact.
Now with your wet finger draw the rune on your third eye, then again, dip your finger into the water and draw the rune on both your inner wrists with the water.
Now close your eyes, sit in meditation as you absorb the power of the rune with your wrists facing upwards towards the heavens. Call on the goddess Hel to open up the gateway (say whatever comes to your heart, no need to be formal).
Now embrace your ancestor.
When you’re done, thank your ancestor and thank Hel.


I have a rattle. Would that work?


@Sivonnah Rattle, drum, tambourine, clapping anything that makes a noise lovely :sparkling_heart:


Sounding Out the Runes

Would you like to practice saying the runes how they are traditionally said. Have a go. :grin:


I have been working on different trance meditations and movement. Using music, song, drumming and dance can enhance your connection with a rune. Here’s a video that has helped me to incorporate movement into my craft. :grin:


I love it this is awesome someday I’ll explore this a bit more.


It feels lovely, like Thai chi mixed with witchcraft :grin:


I really enjoyed it it’s nice. Thankyou for sharing all this lovely info of your journey. It’s beautiful


I love this @tracyS :smiley::purple_heart::blue_heart::two_hearts:


@Satans_Helper @Sivonnah :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I love how the Universe brings ideas together!

I am going to parallel your journey. I have decided to use upright Runes to guide my intentions for the day. I may borrow your idea and carry my rune with me throughout the day.

I can purchase Runes carved on to different crystals. Do you feel any particular crystal maybe more powerful than another for Runes?

I currently have a set on Lapis lazuli. Today’s draw was :isaz: so my intention today is to Slow Down. I will focus on soul care.