It’s a slide of some sort, and about half of it is shown in the photo. The path is full of wheels for some kind of cart to go down. We originally thought it was a slip-and-slide kind of thing. But actually, no water gets involved. It’s entirely the wheels on the road and whatever carts they use. We didn’t get to see it in action, so that’s all our speculation.
Oh, I can see that now! Very cool. I’d be speculating too if it were me. I love the guessing game of what is this and what’s it for
It reminds me a lot of Rainbow Road from the Mario Kart games. Which makes me wish it was longer… And went around the whole mountains and I could drive a cart around like that. But alas.
I will have to settle for playing Mario Kart instead.
Gorgeous!!! Those kinds of skies always get me in the feels when I see them in person. Hard to explain but it feels good to experience them.
It’s definitely and awe-inspiring feeling, for sure - almost like a sense of “Is this even real?” I try to snap a picture whenever I can.
Same. I sit and stare at them for a few minutes every time.
My partner came into the room and said, “There’s a beautiful sunset outside! It’s so lovely!” So you can imagine what happened next.
Postcard perfect
Beautiful sunset
4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Weekly Witchy CHALLENGE - Catch-Up! [Challenge #200]
@BryWisteria @MeganB I think we need an assist to get this challenge entry into the right spot.
Sorry everyone,
I’m not sure how I got mixed up posting my challenge entries here. But I have tagged (hopefully) all of them to have them moved.
@starborn Thank you. Sorry about posting here instead of in the challenge entry post.
@carol3 No worries at all, Carol! I’ve got your lovely entries rehomed over in the challenge thread. They’re all set
@starborn You’re a pro at capturing those beautiful sunsets! Absolutely gorgeous
But since I bombarded the thread with my challenge entries I do have a few awesome sky photos I wil share.
I hadn’t expected anyone else to see these when I took them, but since I infringed upon this post, I feel inclined to contribute.
Thank you very much
Beautiful photos! I love pictures of the sky over a lake. They are always so peaceful