We did! Thank you! It was like a dream come true lol which sounds kind of silly when I say it that way but it’s been something I’ve always wanted to do
It doesn’t sound silly darling it sounds fabulous gotta love when dreams come true. Reminds me of how happy the energy was in my temple the other night. Those things make the rest of the hard crap worth it or more bearable. I’m happy you got to fulfill a dream
That’s so cool @MeganB those pictures are beautiful it must of been such an experience I’m so proud of you. It looks so serene
@MeganB Well done, such fun.
Thank you
(takes a bow)
I see what you did there.
Oh, so fun! I can’t remember the last time I went kayaking. It must be almost 15 years ago now.
I’m glad you enjoyed it and found the perfect timing for it, before the rain and getting a glimpse of some beautiful clouds.
Sounds like a blast! I honestly have the longest to do list which involves Ice skating again, rock climbing, swimming again, learning the violin, rejoining Karate (actually did this and class starts tomorrow, go to Salem in America… I think mine is growing out of proportion slowly. I would have had sewing classes on there but i also start classes later this month
@starborn @TheMuslimWitch – it was so, so much fun! We went again yesterday and I actually swam in the lake with my daughter this time. I struggled to get back on the kayak after getting off since we were in the middle of the lake but I managed!
Those are humbling moments where I realize I really HAVE to get back into strength training. Climbing back into a kayak or last Sunday, mine was trying to lift my scuba tank, BCD and weights up off the ground onto a bench so I could put it on.
Oh sounds like a dream!!!
I am trying to persuade my hubby to go to the North Parramatta lake where i grew up about 15-20 mins away when the kids are in school as they have cleaned it up nice and have nice little café there where duck and swans are and there is a awesome walking trail full of wild life. Will have to do it after the school holidays as i am currently doing Karate again with my 4 kids (hubby too grumpy to do it so its me and the kids)
You and the kids can practice your karate on the untrained grumpy one, then.
Yaaasss hahaha haaaayaa haayyaa take this and that
HAHAHAHA Totally . My husband actually said "so you are starting karate again so i will expect to be punched again " (he actually was going to ingest a large amount of paracetamol that dramatic buffoon which i learn is dangerous when i was studying nursing which can kill your liver and eventually kill you so i push him and was trying to smack the tablets out of his hand as he was trying to forcefully take them. So much for thanks lol
Damn… I’ve noticed some people are like that with paracetamol, but I don’t know why.
Oh how beautiful! I love when the sky is that perfect blue and the clouds are so white.
You’re right - they absolutely are
I hope you get to go enjoy that lake one day and share all kinds of pretty lake sky pictures with us!
Stunning… Looks grey here today and the water was cut due to road works down the road was annoying but at least i went to get my iron infusion so i wasn’t home
Aww, I’m only a few suburbs over, and the sky was blue all day.
We went for a walk this morning at 08:00 to get breakfast. The sun was out, and there was barely a cloud in the sky, so even though it was a brisk 5°C (41°F), it was too warm for me to wear a hoodie on the walk.
I hope you’re feeling better after the iron infusion, too.