I got over a big harvest of lemon balm what can I do with a big amount of it?
No problem i have plenty
I heard you can make Pesto with it?!
Dry it and make tea out of it, it’s amazing!
Oh that would be great in my sweet tea I make! Why didn’t I ever think of that!
That’s not a bad idea, go for it! My man is obsessed with my teas, especially when I put in lemon balm haha, bless him.
I have so much wormwood, It has taken over. I literally have a large lawn trash bag full of it. I’m going to lay it out to dry and sacrifice it in a bon fire to the universe on Litha!
I will probably have the cops show up because of my weird smelling bon fire!
Seconding Nacurro! Lemon balm dries really well and makes a delicious tea.
My old herbalist teacher used to all it the “herb that gladdens the heart” - it is very soothing, encouraging, and stress-relieving.
And abundance of lemon balm is a blessing - enjoy it, John!
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