📖 Spells8 Book Club IX (Jul 23 - Aug 20)

Hi everyone. Just pulled out an old copy of ‘Silver’s spells for protection’.
(Silver RavenWolf)
It was in a box that I hadn’t unpacked since 2004. Guess what, the copy- right date was 2004 and I never read it. Shame on me, but I will now.


I have several books I bought but haven’t got about to reading. It’s a thing for readers to do. We hoard books like dragons hoard gold!


I know the feeling well @Susurrus- sometimes the first page is the hardest one to read! :joy: But I hope after you get started the books will keep you hooked right until the last page :blush:

Going rogue is allowed! :laughing: As someone who often gets distracted from a book by another book, I say follow your heart and read whatever you’d like @IrisW :grin::+1:

That’s awesome- great find, @Garnet! :heart: I’ve gone ahead and added you to the list. I hope you enjoy Silver’s Spells for Protection! :open_book:

I love everything about this :dragon_face: :books: :laughing:


Today marks the end of this reading period!

A discussion will soon open up in the forum for everyone to share their thoughts and swap book reviews :open_book:

Please keep an eye on the forums for the soon-to-appear post! :eyes:

Witch reading
Gif from Giphy

Didn’t finish your book or just got started ? No worries!

Feel free to share your thoughts so far and chime in on the reviews that your fellow coven members have shared. You may find a recommendation for a new book! :open_book:

After a one-week review period, the next reading session will begin: Next Friday, August 27th . Feel free to continue reading your current book into the next session or start a brand new book at that time!

Happy reading and reviewing! :books:


This reading session has closed- thanks for joining in! If you have a book review to share, please do so in the open Reader’s Review post. Any other non-review posts can be shared in the current Book Club reading session.