📖 Spells8 Book Club VII (May 14 - Jun 11)


I’ve inadvertently started a train! Woo woo! :train2:


Thanks ! I saw @Jeannie1 review about this book and figured it would be a great starting point for my readings :grin:
I hope you’ll enjoy your book too !


All aboard!


Thanks to everyone for adding in your books! :sparkles: Lots of exciting choices on the list- I hope everyone enjoys their book of choice :blush:

I am so glad you like him too! :joy::dragon_face: I saw him on Giphy and couldn’t resist- I know how many dragon enthusiasts we have in the forum, and a book-reading dragon was just perfect! :open_book: :grin:


As books with multiple readers, both The Illustrated Key to the Tarot and The Complete Guide to Astrology each have a new separate discussion open!

For those reading these books, you can share your thoughts as you read alongside your coven members in the threads:

Enjoy and Happy Reading! :sparkles:


Oh awesome! My train has a station! :rofl: I’m so excited to be reading a book that others are reading too! I never thought that would happen! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This is my first time. I like to read the spiral dance by Starhawk :open_book:


Reading a personal book is fun, but being able to discuss it with others while reading makes it a whole new experience! :blush: Enjoy, @Susurrus :open_book: :sparkles:

Welcome, @wasantha! :heart: You have been added to the reading list. I hope you enjoy The Spiral Dance ! :raised_hands:


It really does, I can’t wait to get into discussion about it with someone reading it too! Yay :open_book:


I will be reading: Irish Witchcraft from an Irish Witch: True to the Heart By Lora O’Brian


I think i would very much love to be on this train🥰
I will be reading: Magic Made Easy
Written by: Patricia Telesco


Welcome, @wendy4! You have been added to the reading list. I hope you enjoy Irish Witchcraft ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :shamrock:

Wonderful, @NickWick! I hope you enjoy Magic Made Easy- it sounds like a book that magick more accessible to all :open_book: :blush:

@Judith5 has also been added to the list reading The Illustrated Key to the Tarot- I hope you find it to be a interesting book! :grin::+1:

I’m looking forward to reading everyone’s book reviews in a few weeks :star_struck:


I’m really enjoying the book I picked so far :grinning: It’s broken into two parts, the first looks at the history of magic, magical correspondences and the nuts and bolts of what you’ll need to get started. The second part is a collection of spells and potions for everyday magic :heart_eyes:

Favourite quote so far:
" Always remember two of the most important things that you will need when creating spells are your intention and intuition"

:heartpulse: Blessed Be :heartpulse:


I made it to Chapter 3 of my book yesterday. I sat on the back porch with my dogs & read for a little bit. So far I like it! But it’s also early still. :rofl:


Happy for you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: for me I just began reading my book yesterday and I am already at page 55 :hushed: didn’t know I could read that much :joy::rofl:. I am happy though, cause this book is the real deal and so informative. Loving every bit of this book.


I love those times when you read more than you originally thought you would. :heart:


Bright blessings,
Hi witches the book I am reading os Moon Divination For Todays Woman by Cassansra Eason The moon might have been worship by ancient civilizations but cannot have any Revance to the modern home and work the juggling of career life and all the demands of family friends and partners? Yes it can Cassandra Jason the noted author of the broadcaster of psychic phenomena ruins taro and other forms of divination has created a method of her missing the forces of the moon to your natural intuition. It will help the hardest housewife the office grudge the struggling student and even that embattled grandmother. The system is simply explain inexpensive and definitely does not dabble with demons! In six weeks you can learn your moontime future!
Happy Read! I am ready to learn! I am so excited!
Mery Part


It sounds like a book loaded with magickal wisdom and history- so glad you’re enjoying it so far @Liisa! :open_book: :blush: I can’t wait to hear what you think of the second part focusing on spells and potions. Hopefully you’ll find some wonderful new additions to your spellwork collection! :two_hearts:

That sounds lovely @Susurrus- congrats on getting to chapter 3! :clap: I hope you continue to enjoy it :blush:

Wow, @NickWick- that is impressive, I can tell you are loving it! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it- sounds like a very useful read! :open_book:

Awesome @Jeannie1! I’ve added you to the reading list- sounds like you found a great book! :star_struck: Enjoy it and happy reading! :sparkles:


12 posts were merged into an existing topic: :memo: Spells8 Book Club VII - Readers’ Reviews!