šŸ“– Spells8 Book Club XXII (Oct 21 - Nov 18)

Amazon has been recommending this book to me for forever and I finally gave in and bought a copy! It looks like most of the material is geared towards beginners, but Iā€™m excited to browse through the herbs and hopefully learn some new herbal magickal correspondents :open_book: :sparkles:

Looking back at previous book clubs, I believe you read this one and liked it, @TheMuslimWitch? Iā€™m excited to jump into it too! :blush::green_heart:


Yes i actually just finished it and started a new book called 'The Holistic Witch by Robbins Greenaway. This too has quite a bit on herbs. I am really looking forward to reading Cunninghamā€™s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Perhaps in light of Beltane coming up i can take the book with me in the wonderful nature sight near by and see if i can identify some plants here. :blush:
Anyways, back to the book, i suggest the other ones from Lisa Chamberlain too such as Wicca for Beginners, Wicca Book of Spells, and Wicca Crystal Magic. I have so far read up to Wicca Herbal Magic and still have the other additions- Wicca Year of Magic, Wicca Crystal Magic, and Wicca Essential oil Magic (her latest one).
If i could choose to do any activity it would be sitting and reading non-stop, however, due to life itself it is not possible but that doesnā€™t stop me getting in a few chapters here and there. Maybe with my degree coming to an end (fingers crossed i pass, i will find out in a few weeks), i can read more, walk in nature and ride my bike more often. :blush:


Mine has 23 authors so I wrote what was on the cover. Itā€™s an anthology and it looks really interesting.


So excited I can finally join the book club. I managed to sneak off to the book store today and got a small inexpensive bundle, so going to do the first one as this is heading into a busy time of year, I should be able to finish a slim volume by the 18th.


Thank you for the recommendation- I have to admit I have quite a few of Chamberlainā€™s books on my to-read list! Iā€™m not too far into the Wicca Book of Herbal Spells, but it seems like it kind of sample for her bigger book of herbalism. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll want to check out that one (and her other ones too!) when Iā€™m finished! :blush:

I completely empathize- I know itā€™s tricky to juggle things, but I agree (and applaud you!) about sneaking in the chapters here, there, and whenever the opportunity arises. Reading slowly but surely is much better than not reading at all!

I hope things are doing well with your degree- wishing you all the best, and that youā€™ll have more leisurely time to enjoy your books once the work is wrapped up and complete! :heart:

I was completely blown away until I caught what you said about it being an anthology- I was picturing 23 authors cramped into a room taking turns writing paragraphs (which is ridiculous and not at all how it works, but overactive imagination sometimes grabs the steering wheel :joy:)

I hope you enjoy The Wild Womanā€™s Book of Shadows, Amethyst! Happy reading! :open_book: :blush:

Hooray for a new bundle of books, and all the better if they were a great price! :partying_face: :sparkles: Happy reading, Catherine- I hope you enjoy Herbal Magic!


The Wicca Book of Herbal Spells arrived yesterday and I got to jump in last night- itā€™s such a cute book! Most of the herbs are very standard (think: rosemary, lavender, chamomile, thyme, etc) but I love how each section is specific to the herb and how the spells for each are really focused on the magickal properties of the plants (and donā€™t require many extra ingredients) to help the reader really connect with them. Iā€™m excited to keep reading! :grinning:

I also got a copy of Słowiańska WiedÅŗma (Slavic Witch) by Dobromiła Agiles- but Iā€™m going to need my partner to help me read it, as there are a ton of big words in Polish that I donā€™t know :sweat_smile: That one looks good so far, but will certainly take me a very long time to get through it!

We read the section on Samhain (Dziady) last night- it has recipes, spellwork, rituals and meditations for each of the holidays on the Wheel of the Year, as per Slavic (specifically Polish) magickal traditions. Lots of things I didnā€™t know- especially about the local deities. Very interesting and am excited to read more! :books::sparkles:


Okayā€¦I added in my book that Iā€™ve had since September that Iā€™m finally starting to make my way through. I was sent Aos Sidhe by the publisher for a review and I havenā€™t gotten around to finishing it yet. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: I can finish it soon :sweat_smile:


Ohhhh very exciting! :star_struck: I hope you enjoy Aos Sidhe- looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it! :heart::open_book:


I just finished it last night and Iā€™m hoping :crossed_fingers: to get a video review filmed of it next week!


Ohhhh hooray! :tada: I know Iā€™m subscribed to your YT Channel, but please feel free to drop a link here in book club too- I canā€™t wait to see it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :books:


Hi everyone! Look up the information in the link about how to get digital books for free with your library card anywhere in the world!

Read all your books for free!

Happy reading!


So excited to be reading my book choice.

It popped up on my Amazon recommendations yesterday and there was a copy in TK Maxx today so it feels like fate.

Reading it in the pub whilst my husbandā€™s at archery and Iā€™m hooked. Whilst Iā€™m a vocal LGBTQ+ advocate and a member of the community myself, the changes that led to where we are now started before I was born so thereā€™s much to learn.


It sounds like that book really wanted you to read it! :laughing: Iā€™m glad youā€™re enjoying Pride so far, @IrisW! Canā€™t wait to hear your thoughts on it- happy reading! :books::sparkles::rainbow_flag:


Finally, I can join to this club!!

Iā€™m currently reading ā€œThe book of shadowsā€, by Migene Gonzalez Wippler. Iā€™m enjoying it a lot, but Iā€™ll do a review as soon as I finish it!


Awesome, @SpanishWitchy- Iā€™ve got you added to the list! :blush: I hope you enjoy the Book of Shadows and Iā€™ll look forward to hearing your thoughts on it- happy reading! :books::two_hearts:


Friendly reminder time!

:grey_exclamation: The current reading period will end in one week (Friday, Nov 18) :grey_exclamation:

A Readerā€™s Review post will appear in the forums at that time for everyone to share their thoughts and hear all about what your fellow coven members have been reading.

I hope everyone is enjoying their reading so far! Iā€™m looking forward to reading everyoneā€™s thoughts and learning about new books :open_book: :sparkles:

Happy reading and blessed be! :books::sparkles:


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: :memo: Spells8 Book Club XXII - Readersā€™ Reviews!

Today marks the end of this reading period!

A discussion will soon open up in the forum for everyone to share their thoughts and swap book reviews :open_book:

Please keep an eye on the forums for the soon-to-appear post! :eyes:

:exclamation: The few wonderful reviews already posted here have since been re-homed in the Readersā€™ Reviews post to make them easier to find!

Gif from Giphy

Didnā€™t finish your book or just got started ? No worries!

Feel free to share your thoughts so far and chime in on the reviews that your fellow coven members have shared. You may find a recommendation for a new book! :open_book:

After a one-week review period, the next reading session will begin: Next Friday, November 25 . Feel free to continue reading your current book into the next session or start a brand new book at that time!

Happy reading and reviewing! :books::blush:


This reading session has closed- thanks for joining in! If you have a book review to share, please do so in the open Readerā€™s Review post. Any other non-review posts can be shared in the current Book Club reading session or the Book Club FAQ.